Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Translation of film titles to cultural difference essays
Interpretation of film titles to social distinction expositions Film title consistently gives crowd a general impression about the class of a film, as, is accepted to be one of the most persuasive components influencing the movies. That is the reason creation houses consistently take film naming genuine. These days, the nature of film title interpretation is viewed as progressively noteworthy as more motion pictures are discharged universally under the impact of globalization. This paper targets talking about the benefits and bad marks of the interpretation of the film titles of  ¡bã â ¡and  ¡Ã‚ °I, Robotâ ¡, henceforth, endeavor to give an elective film title, lastly attempt to clarify the contrasts between the interpretations concentrated previously.  ¡bã â ¡ I respected the interpretation,  ¡Ã‚ °Running on Karmaâ ¡ as very good as it is firmly identified with the subject,  ¡Ã¢ °reason and the consequenceâ ¡(ã'⠹ã »). Thought about the business concerns, the word  ¡Ã‚ °Karma ¡ is accepted to be appealing to target crowd the same number of outsiders have a powerful urge in find out about Chinese culture and its way of thinking while Karma is a notable idea in Buddhism. Rather than the in exactly the same words interpretation,  ¡Ã‚ °Running on Karmaâ ¡ is accepted to be increasingly fitting to be utilized in Hong Kong. Certain,  ¡Ã¢ °bã  ¡ ( ¡Ã‚ °Big ¡) is a contrivance, which may draw in Chinese crowd; in any case, the impact would not be so successful toward the West as solid as Big is regular in the West. That is the reason a film title with Buddhist message is viewed as progressively fitting. Aside from the Inter-lingual interpretation, intra-lingual interpretation ought not be ignored as well. As indicated by the creation house,  ¡Ã¢â‚¬ °Ki^Ãà Ãâ€"Çã›â ¡and  ¡Ã‚ °An Intelligent Muscular Manâ ¡ are the official film titles utilized in Mainland China. For sure, I value the titles in light of the fact that ... <!
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Poetic Analysis
Subject 1# Genesis In Mark McWatt's compilation â€Å"The Journey to Le Repentir†McWatt analyze different parts of beginnings. McWatt handily utilizes a wonderful gadget called symbolism to underscore the start of new life and great beginning. McWatt likewise utilizes a specific structure which is designed by artists who ruled the early present day English time of verse, called clear stanzas. Be that as it may, by nimbly imbed pictures to outlined assorted parts of birth and production of unending potential.This picture of vast potential is shown by a couple of personas in â€Å"The Journey to Le Repentir†and furthermore different parts of birth. In the sonnet â€Å"Universe†we see the persona communicating two separate subjects of beginning, the first is the birth is one of the universe when he states â€Å"a place and a mined bury â€/infiltrated through a film of miracle (4)†[My reference indicator]. This recommends the persona â€Å"a mind inter penetrated through a layer of wonder†to outline that psyche overpowers the film that contracts it from unending potential.The second subject of the beginning is seen when this persona states â€Å"competitive learning, of the exotic experience of information that has never let me go†. The persona utilizes words like â€Å"competitive†, â€Å"learning†, â€Å"knowledge†and â€Å"Adventure†to make a picture like the principal birth, in that, â€Å"sensuous adventure†like â€Å"a film of marvel (4)†speaks to a bet for obscure fates and prospect. In any case, the main variety between the two is that the beginning of the principal refrain happens truly and different happens in the brain of an individual.Another sonnet in which we can see a change and beginning by an individual intellectually is in the sonnet â€Å"Anatomical†. This persona makes a picture of right off the bat the nearness of guiltlessness in himself, with the utilization of descriptive words like â€Å"mysteriously†, â€Å"smiling curiosity†â€Å"me in stun of the abrupt transformation†giving a summed up comprehension on his absence of information. Furthermore, it is in the last refrain the persona gives us an opposite picture of the commencement of his â€Å"sensuous universe of anatomical wonder†.However, the path in he genuinely structure the sonnets with clear section, gives us a mental illustration of beginnings. The artists utilization of versifying pentameters present us with figurative beginning and interminable potential as something that can not be anticipated †in opposition to most sonnets that contain an ordered structure of rhyme and mood. This ability was utilized by incredibly famous artists of the early current English time frame like William Shakespeare, John Donnie and John Milton who are writers who had a significant influence in the renaissance poetry.Mark McWatt additionally ut ilizes the clear stanza possibly to accentuate that like the renascence †likewise referred to the French as â€Å"rebirth††has some hugeness to the beginning he makes inside his sonnets. While artist Mark McWatt utilizes representation on the clear refrains to analyze how fresh starts can begin from awful endings like the renaissance, the picture of mental beginning and physical beginning can both advance stones.Since every persona involves a subject that floats around both the psychological and physical parts of beginning, at that point it is just fitting to infer that beginning takes both a physical and a psychological shape. The writer Mark McWatt joins the utilization of allegory and pictures to build up a solid topic of beginning. Also, by utilizing the Iambic pentameter he hardens the allegory of the renaissance time frame to possibly express that like the renaissance, fresh starts could be made in accommodation to please you either genuinely or intellectuall y. Graceful Analysis Topic 1# Genesis In Mark McWatt's collection â€Å"The Journey to Le Repentir†McWatt look at different parts of beginnings. McWatt handily utilizes a beautiful gadget called symbolism to accentuate the start of new life and magnificent beginning. McWatt additionally utilizes a specific structure which is designed by artists who ruled the early present day English time of verse, called clear refrains. Be that as it may, by nimbly imbed pictures to outlined differing parts of birth and making of unending potential.This picture of interminable potential is represented by a couple of personas in â€Å"The Journey to Le Repentir†and furthermore different parts of birth. In the sonnet â€Å"Universe†we see the persona communicating two separate topics of beginning, the first is the birth is one of the universe when he states â€Å"a place and a mined bury â€/infiltrated through a film of marvel (4)†[My reference indicator]. This recommends the persona â⠂¬Å"a mind interpenetrated through a film of wonder†to show that psyche overpowers the layer that contracts it from unending potential.The second subject of the beginning is seen when this persona states â€Å"competitive learning, of the erotic experience of information that has never let me go†. The persona utilizes words like â€Å"competitive†, â€Å"learning†, â€Å"knowledge†and â€Å"Adventure†to make a picture like the primary birth, in that, â€Å"sensuous adventure†like â€Å"a layer of miracle (4)†speaks to a bet for obscure fates and prospect. Be that as it may, the main variety between the two is that the beginning of the primary verse happens truly and different happens in the brain of an individual.Another sonnet in which we can see a change and beginning by an individual intellectually is in the sonnet â€Å"Anatomical†. This persona makes a picture of right off the bat the nearness of guiltlessness i n himself, with the utilization of descriptive words like â€Å"mysteriously†, â€Å"smiling curiosity†â€Å"me in stun of the abrupt transformation†giving a summed up comprehension on his absence of information. Furthermore, it is in the last refrain the persona gives us an opposite picture of the inception of his â€Å"sensuous universe of anatomical wonder†.However, the path in he truly structure the sonnets with clear section, gives us a mental illustration of beginnings. The writers utilization of versifying pentameters present us with figurative beginning and boundless potential as something that can not be anticipated †in opposition to most sonnets that contain an ordered structure of rhyme and musicality. This expertise was utilized by incredibly famous writers of the early present day English period like William Shakespeare, John Donnie and John Milton who are artists who had a significant impact in the renaissance poetry.Mark McWatt likew ise utilizes the clear section possibly to stress that like the renascence †additionally referred to the French as â€Å"rebirth††has some essentialness to the beginning he makes inside his sonnets. While writer Mark McWatt utilizes representation on the clear refrains to look at how fresh starts can begin from terrible endings like the renaissance, the picture of mental beginning and physical beginning can both advance stones.Since every persona involves a subject that floats around both the psychological and physical parts of beginning, at that point it is just fitting to reason that beginning takes both a physical and a psychological shape. The artist Mark McWatt fuses the utilization of analogy and pictures to build up a solid subject of beginning. What's more, by utilizing the Iambic pentameter he sets the analogy of the renaissance time frame to possibly express that like the renaissance, fresh starts could be made in accommodation to please you either genuin ely or intellectually.
Galileo Galilei Essay In Mla Example For Students
Galileo Galilei Essay In Mla Galileo Galileis father, Vincenzo Galilei (c.1520 1591), who portrayed himself as an aristocrat of Florence, was an expert performer. He did probes strings to help his melodic hypotheses. Galileo considered medication at the college of Pisa, yet his genuine advantages were consistently in science and characteristic way of thinking. He is predominantly associated with his work on free fall, his utilization of the telescope and his work of experimentation. After a spell showing science, first secretly in Florence and afterward at the college of Pisa, in 1592 Galileo was selected teacher of arithmetic at the college of Padua (the college of the Republic of Venice). There his obligations were predominantly to show Euclids geometry and standard (geocentric) space science to clinical understudies, who might need to realize some stargazing so as to utilize soothsaying in their clinical practice. Be that as it may, Galileo clearly talked about increasingly capricious types of cosmology and c haracteristic way of thinking in an open talk he gave regarding the presence of a New Star (presently known as Keplers supernova) in 1604. In an individual letter kept in touch with Kepler (1571 1630) in 1598, Galileo had expressed that he was a Copernican (devotee to the hypotheses of Copernicus). No open indication of this conviction was to show up until numerous years after the fact. In the mid year of 1609, Galileo found out about a spyglass that a Dutchman had appeared in Venice. From these reports, and utilizing his own specialized aptitudes as a mathematician and as a worker, Galileo made a progression of telescopes whose optical exhibition was obviously superior to that of the Dutch instrument. The galactic disclosures he made with his telescopes were portrayed in a short book called Message from the stars (Sidereus Nuncius) distributed in Venice in May 1610. It created an uproar. Galileo professed to have seen mountains on the Moon, to have demonstrated the Milky Way was co mprised of little stars, and to have seen four little bodies circling Jupiter. These keep going, with an eye on finding a new line of work in Florence, he expeditiously named the Medicean stars. It worked. Before long a short time later, Galileo became Mathematician and Philosopher to the Grand Duke of Tuscany. In Florence he proceeded with his work on movement and on mechanics, and started to engage in questions about Copernicanism. In 1613 he found that, when found in the telescope, the planet Venus demonstrated stages like those of the Moon, and along these lines must circle the Sun not the Earth. This didn't empower one to choose the Copernican framework, in which everything goes round the Sun, and the Tychonic (Tycho Brahe) one in which everything except for the Earth (and Moon) goes round the Sun which thusly goes round the Earth. Most cosmologists of the time in actuality supported the Tychonic framework. In any case, Galileo demonstrated a checked inclination to utilize ever y one of his disclosures as proof for Copernicanism, and to do as such with incredible verbal just as scientific expertise. He appears to have made a great deal of adversaries by making his rivals look fools. Also, not every one of them really were fools. There in the long run followed some outflow of enthusiasm by the Inquisition. At first sight, Copernicanism was in logical inconsistency with Scripture, and in 1616 Galileo was given a mystery, however official, cautioning that he was not to safeguard Copernicanism. Exactly information disclosed on this event was to turn into a subject for contest when Galileo was blamed for leaving from this endeavor in his Dialog concerning the two biggest world frameworks, distributed in Florence in 1632. Galileo, who was not in the best of wellbeing, was gathered to Rome, saw as energetically associated with sin, and inevitably sentenced to house capture, forever, at his manor at Arcetri (above Florence). He was additionally illegal to distribu te. By the gauges of the time he had got off rather delicately. Galileos sight was coming up short, however he had committed understudies and amanuenses, and he thought that it was conceivable to review his examinations on movement and the quality of materials. The book, Discourses on two new sciences, was carried out of Italy and distributed in Leiden (in the Netherlands) in 1638. Galileo composed a large portion of his later works in the vernacular, most likely to separate himself from the traditional learning of college instructors. In any case, his books were converted into Latin for the global market, and they end up being gigantically compelling. .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492 , .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492 .postImageUrl , .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492 .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492 , .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492:hover , .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492:visited , .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492:active { border:0!important; } .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492 { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492:active , .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492:hover { darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content embellishment: underline; } .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u868696d3 11f085586ebf922a18a00492 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u868696d311f085586ebf922a18a00492:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: most troublesome parts of learning English Essay
Friday, August 21, 2020
Business Society and Planet of Bridgestone - Goodyear Companies
Question: Talk about the Identification and Description of Bridgestone and Goodyear Companies? Answer: Bridgestone Company is among the main multinationals managing in auto and car save parts incepted in 1931 byShojiro Ishibashiin Kurume City,Fukuoka, situated in Japan. The Bridgestone Group supplies a wide arrangement of tires to buyers around the world, for example, tires for trucks, airplane, mining vehicles, traveler vehicles, transports, development, bikes, etc. The Company fabricates and wholesales a scope of elastic items and other separated items (Cooke, 2001). A significant number of these stocks and innovations are utilized in an assorted variety of regular applications. The Bridgestone Group maintains an ideal balance between transient organization philosophy and mid-to long haul organization measures, with a complement on Lean for the time being and Strategic in the mid-and waits to execute the board rearrangements, rendering highest priority to streamlining on a gathering and overall premise. The essential vision of this Group as expressed (Placeholder1) is Appreciating t hat Serving Community with the Best Quality is our heritage and our center Purpose, and taking on our responsibility to anticipated ages as a universal lead in our ventures, Bridgestone Inc. also, its co-players around the world apply modernization and innovation to propel the manner in which people work, live, move, and play (Bridgestone Corporation, 2017). Goodyear Company The Goodyear Tire Rubber Corporationis a USA-based global tire maker organization set up in the year 1898 byFrank Seiberlingand headquartered inAkron, Ohio. The Company creates tires for planes, race vehicles, light trucks, bikes, SUVs, business trucks, ranch hardware, autos, and overwhelming earth-mover apparatus. Goodyear was named after Charles Goodyear, an American pioneer of vulcanized elastic (Norbert Majerus; James Morgan; Durward Sobek, 2016). The underlying Goodyear items rose predominant since they could be segregated effectively and required minor upkeep. From Goodyear's beginning in 1898, the Firms benchmark for progress has been grounded on its vow to unremitting upgrade and development. From that point forward, the Corporation has formed into one of the globes prime tire organizations, with one the very pinnacle of prestigious brand names. They utilize roughly 66,000 combinations in different regions around the world all of them trying to convey the greatest quality in everything that the business does (Goodyear Corporation, 2017). Apparent contrasts between the two organizations regarding the scope of issues managed in their social reports and the profundity of inclusion on explicit issues Bridgestone Company As a universal association, Bridgestone contacts a varying bunch of gatherings everywhere throughout the world. By overhauling how people live, learn, and work, the association tries to decidedly influence the gatherings in which it works at the worldwide and neighborhood levels. It helps in building increasingly secure, more advantageous networks and makes training progressively open and thorough ( Bridgestone Corporation, 2016). For example, in relationship with Fleet Watch magazine and other industry associates, Bridgestone South Africa (Pty) Ltd. has looked into Brake and Tire Watch; a program intended for empowering traffic specialists to perceive unroadworthy vehicles in the city, and furthermore to extend transport executive commonality with a capable slowing down and tire checking. Traffic authorities are prepared on the noteworthiness of safe tires, tire deficiencies, utilitarian brakes and other visual security portions. Trucks or transports saw as unroadworthy are then rem oved from the road and gave ceasing takes note. Up to this point, the program has arranged in excess of 1,200 traffic specialists and examined in excess of 400 vehicles, of which 60% were not in roadworthy condition. Through these activities, Bridgestone adds to an increasingly secure society. Besides, since 1970, the organization endlessly adds to the solid existence of nearby networks. This is chronicled through blood gifts, preparing, clinical commitments, and colloquiums on work related medication (Wayne Visser; Ileana Magureanu; Karina Yadav, 2015). As of late, the organization presented defibrillators (AED) and gifted representatives how to utilize them. Representatives working with Bridgestone Company likewise advantage from wellbeing pleasantries, for instance, echography and other helpful assessments, preventive wellbeing efforts (focusing on malignant growth, hypertension, beefiness, etc.), ergonomics programs, and psychosocial care. Through these and different activities, Bridgestone fortifies the solid existence of neighborhood individuals. Also, close by with Bridgestone Cycle Company and Bridgestone Sports Enterprise, they hold the Bridgestone Children's Eco-Art Contest. This opposition was built up with the point of moderating regular habitat for an approaching age, and it emphasizes on the gratefulness for a situation which is seen through kids' drawings. This challenge has been held since 2003, and an aggregate of 313,199 heavenly drawings have been contributed henceforth communicating an assortment of abilities among the kids. So we can infer that Bridgestone Company targets serving society with prevalent administrations and furthermore it grasps its obligation for an up and coming generation(Bridgestone Corporation, 2014). Goodyear Company Dissimilar to Bridgestone Company which targets serving the general public through the structure of more advantageous networks, Goodyear Company concentrates more on fulfilling themselves first and is planned to utilize their resources for fabricate and continue deliberate projects inside a network adventure center regions. Their key is to an accentuation on zones that mirror the global and nearby nature of their business and where Goodyear Company can have the best impact including: maintaining safe developments to make their kin more grounded and progressively secure (Dirk Morschett; Hanna Schramm-Klein; Joachim Zentes, 2010). Rousing people to accomplish their potential in school and prepare for keen professions, lessening waste and saving manageable vitality for their reality. Related commitment fills in as the essential segment of all of Goodyears corporate social responsibility endeavors (Swanson, 2014). Goodyear Company places into thought by guaranteeing that their assembling offices are sheltered and innocuous to the wellbeing and prosperity of partners, laborers, the encompassing occupants and nature overall. Goodyear Company just takes an interest in a program as network volunteers, not at all like Bridgestone Company who sees it as their duty to reclaim to the general public( The Goodyear Tire Rubber Company, 2017). Degree to which can these distinctions be clarified by the nation or industry contrasts An association without a goodmanagement is bound to eradication. That is the reason it is massively noteworthy to choose the privilege overseeing style that would balance such awful destiny, just as pass on a desired accomplishment to an association (John O Okpara; Samuel O Idowu, 2013). Despite the fact that Bridgestone and Goodyear organizations fabricate comparative items (tire and elastic items), they have distinctive administration. This is on the grounds that they are situated in various nations which adjust differentmanagement styles. To begin with, Japanese organizations conviction that an individual ought to add to the general public overall, actually, USA associations concentrates more on fulfilling themselves first and afterward hence focuses on the network (Samuel O Idowu; Walter Leal Filho, 2008). Additionally, regarding business, Japanese associations enlist somebody who is merry, energetic, fiery and ready to commit herself or himself to the organization. So they barel y utilize laborers dependent on their instruction and abilities. On the other hand, USA organizations explicitly enlist workers who are appropriate for the activity dependent on legitimate instruction and capacities. Additionally, USA organizations have an inclination of settling on snappy choices so as to chronicle unexpected outcomes. Therefore, dynamic is committed to USA administrators as it were. The choices made are then speaked to the subordinates. In Japan, in actuality, organizations settle on a choice utilizing two methodologies. The primary methodology includes looking for endorsement from the lower level of the executives up to the top most administration. The second strategy for dynamic procedure leading gatherings with the workers' the place they all concur on what ought to be actualized (USA International Business Publications, 2015). This is beneficial in light of the fact that each worker can take an interest and contribute their perspectives and furthermore their a ssessments are thought of. Because of every one of these distinctions in the two nations, the two organizations, Goodyear and Bridgestone however they have a place in a similar tire and elastic industry they contrast with regards to corporate social obligation (CSR) (Wayne Visser; Ileana Magureanu; Karina Yadav, 2015). Appraisal Of The Apparent Quality Of The Social Accounting Approach Utilized By Each Company According To Zadek Et Al.S (1997) Criteria The recommendation that organizations should be considered liable for their social execution has ended up being dynamic throughout the last five to ten years(William B Werther; David Chandler, 2011). This has delivered critical discussion about how associations should build up their corporate social obligation (CSR) and about what organizations best practice in social bookkeeping, recording and auditing (Zadek et al., 1997). Key belief systems are that socially mindful associations should partake in talk with their accomplices and make a social report that is a record of their social institution (Dorothe?e Baumann-Pauly, 2013). As bolstered by Zadeks in his work, Bridgestone and Goodyear, through their drives target guaranteeing inclusivity for the most part by welcoming on board in
Thursday, August 13, 2020
iCyd Im BAaaaaaaCK! Classes are building up, students are working, halls are buzzing the semester seems to be in full swing. This semester is very new to me even though its my 7th one here. I have been through a journey with my major choice so far at the Institute. I began with my mind set on pursuing a degree in course 16 (aero/astro engineering). After a couple courses in the department, I determined that this was not the career path I really wanted to follow. So I switched to course 2A with 15 (Mechanical Engineering with a concentration in Management Science). I found that I really enjoyed the classes I had in course 15 but the course 2 classes were just so-so for me. At the end of last spring, I made a major (literally and figuratively) change and moved to a full time Sloan (course 15) program. This has been one of the best decisions Ive made in the past 3 years. I absolutely LOVE this program and the flexible career path it offers. Thus, this semester marks a brand new start for me at MIT. Moral: you have the flexibility to try different majors while at MIT. Granted I would suggest doing your exploration closer to the beginning of your journey but its never** too late. To ensure that this change was a complete success, among other things (e.g. moving my bed to the other side of my room and purchasing a fancy new planner), I invested in a new laptop! Now, this is no ordinary laptop. This, my friends, is a GREEN APPLE! I absolutely LOVE green apples so getting a green apple, which Ive named the iCyd, was the only logical option. There were, of course, other factors in my decision process (see below for resources on making your own decision). I wanted a friendly user interface that would allow me to multi-task without a cluttered screen. This also meant I needed a great battery and plenty of space on the harddrive. So any old green computer couldnt possibly suffice, it had to be a MacBook Pro. So far, I am having a blast with my new semester and the iCyd. Cant wait to watch my new future unfold :) Until next time, mates. **this never guarantee holds up to 9 months before you graduate. this also does not guarantee completing your degree in exactly 4 years (which is not always a bad thing). - Laptop selection is a very important process for a student. It depends on a number of factors including, but not limited to: Aesthetic Preferences: size, weight, keyboard options, etc Memory Needs Compatibility with programs required for your major/activities MITs Information, Services, and Technology office (IST) offers a few pointers on laptop purchases: Computer Buying Advice Recommended Laptops It would also be helpful to talk to the department youre interested in to see what programs you will need to be able to run.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
ES 2123 Earth as a Dynamic Planet Life Sciences Research - 2750 Words
ES 2123 Earth as a Dynamic Planet Life Sciences Research (Essay Sample) Content: Earth as a Dynamic PlanetNameInstitutionEarth as a Dynamic PlanetEarths gravitational field and change in Earths rotational axisGravity is considered to be a natural phenomenon which makes all objects possessing mass to gravitate towards each other. In classical mechanics, Newtons Law of Universal Gravitation argues that, objects in the universe attract each other with a force which is directly proportional to their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between their centers of mass. Gravity is considered to be the weakest known force in nature. As such, it plays a very small role in shaping the internal properties of materials. However, despite its so small magnitude, it controls the trajectories of objects moving within the universe. Processes such as the evolution of stars, cosmos and galaxies are greatly influenced by this force. To determine the degree of influence which gravity has on objects, the amount of acceleration of falling bodie s is measured. Freely falling bodies are given an acceleration of 9.8m/s2 on the surface of the Earth while on the Moons surface, the value is 1.6m/s2 (Rovelli, 1991).In quantum mechanics, Einstein considers gravity as caused by the warping of space-time. If a massive object is placed on a piece of stretched fabric, it causes it to sag. As such, if a light marble ball is placed on the fabric near the warped region, it enters the created hole occupied by the massive object. Similarly, massive bodies like the sun cause the bending of space-time so that when the Earth passes nearby, it is attracted to the sagged space occupied by the sun. The bending of space-time is to the effect that light travels slower than it would do in straight line. Moreover, the trajectories of other objects are altered as they traverse the warped space-time. The planet Earth is a dynamic planet whose axis of rotation keeps on changing (Buis, 2016; Rovelli, 1991).Since time immemorial, gravity has played a piv otal role in shaping the dynamic processes in the Earths interior. As such, scholars in geophysics endeavor to understand this phenomenon as it is through this that they can succeed in geophysical explorations. Spatial variations in gravitational acceleration are vital in eliciting important information regarding the dynamical state of the planet Earth. If the Earth is sliced along a plane perpendicular to the equator, then it realized to be elliptical with its widest portion aligning itself with the equator itself. This model of the planet was first proposed by Sir Isaac Newton in the year 1687. In coming up with this model, Newton was facilitated by observations given to him by his friend Richer who was a ship navigator. Richer made observations that, a pendulum clock could operate accurately in London but lost up to 2 minutes daily when a ship carrying it approached the equator. Newton therefore concluded that the planet Earth had a larger diameter near the equator than at the po les. Precisely, Newton discovered that the Earth had a radius difference of 22km in favor of the equator, thereby, representing a 0.3% change. Owing to this difference, it can be concluded that, the gravitational acceleration of the planet varies with latitude (Buis, 2016; Chang et al., 1987).As shown in figure 1, the Earths gravitational acceleration is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from its center of mass. As such, qualitatively, this acceleration is larger at the poles than it is at the equator. The rotation of the planet Erath is the second factor determining its acceleration. This variation is attributable to the fact that the gravimeter used to measure this acceleration also rotates with the planet as one takes the readings. As the Earth rotates, the gravimeter rests on it hence the obtained reading captures information associated with the rotation. As an object moves in a curved path, it experiences a force known as centrifugal force, normally directed towards the outer side. The magnitude of this force is usually proportional to the distance of the object from the axis of rotation. Moreover, the size of the centrifugal force experienced is proportional to the rate of rotation. Scholars have discovered that the amount of centrifugal force is large at the equator but reduces to zero at the poles. Its direction on the other hand is always away from the axis of rotation. As such, centrifugal force serves to lower the amount of gravitational acceleration owing to rotation. If the planet was not rotating, the size of the acceleration would be higher (Chang et al., 1987; Buis, 2016).Gravity on the Earths surface also undergoes time dependent variations. These temporal changes in gravitational pull are as a result of factors such as lunar-solar tides, changes in the volume of underground water, atmospheric and oceanic mass redistribution, changes in the amount of snow cover, earthquakes, post-glacial rebound in the Earths mantle and long -term mantle convection. These geophysical alterations have serious implications and should therefore be understood very well for researchers to effectively monitor global climatic changes, rotation of the planet Earth and changes in sea level. Moreover, redistribution in the mass of planet Earth alters the position of its center of mass. Although temporal variations in gravitational pull owing to oceanic and solid earth tides are easy to determine, non-tidal changes are comparatively harder to detect (Buis, 2016; Chang et al., 1987).According to Chandler (2002), data gathered from various satellites since the year 1998 indicates a bulge in the Earths gravitational field around the equator. This change according to her is attributable to factors such as fluctuations in the volumes of water held by oceans. The period preceding the year 1998 was witnessing relatively smaller gravitational bulges in the equator owing to post-glacial rebounds. Moreover, the comparatively smaller changes are attributable to the melting of ice sheets after the last Ice Age. After the ice melt, the land that had been covered by the ice started to rise. This rebound of the ground led to changes in gravity. Presently, the land forming the equatorial region has been noted to bulge upwards while that at the poles has registered a downward bulge. The corresponding changes in the Earths gravity can be sensed through the use of ultra-precise laser tracking satellites. Additionally, the changes can be realized through tracking alterations in day length and the Earths rotation (Buis, 2016).Scholars have noted variations in the Earths gravity in West Antarctica which they have attributed to a massive loss of ice occasioned by global warming. Using measurements obtained by a satellite named the European Space Agencys (ESA) Gravity Field and Steady-State Ocean Circulation Explorer (GOCE), researchers were able to note a drastic weakening in the planets gravity a couple of years back. This satell ite was ideally created to map the planets gravitation field. The findings obtained using this satellite were combined with data gathered using the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE). This investigation was basically a joint venture involving the U.S National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the German Aerospace Center with the main focus being mapping out variations in the gravitational field of the planet Earth (Buis, 2016).According to ESA, although the redistribution of the Earths mass causes slight gravitational alterations, between 2009 and 2012, a large scale melting of ice was incurred in the West Antarctica and it resulted in a large scale change in the Earths gravitational force in this region. By combining the observations recorded by both GRACE and GOCE, researchers were able to estimate the total loss in ice in the West Antarctica at 209 billion metric tons. Over the same period of time, Pine Island Glacier lost a total of 67 billion metric tons of ice per year (Buis, 2016).The Earthquake that was registered in Japan on the 11th of March in the year 2011 may have altered the planets rotational axis, thereby, shortening the length of a day. NASAs scientists by the names Richard Gross and Pasadena Calif utilized a complex model to execute a preliminary theoretical calculation aimed at determining how this temblor affected the rotation of the planet Earth. This Earthquake was the fifth strongest ever to strike Earth since 1900 and it had a magnitude of 9.0. According to these scholars, the quake changed the distribution of the Earths mass, thereby, causing the planet to rotate faster. Effectively, the length of a day on the planet got shortened by approximately 1.8 microseconds (Buis, 2016).The magnitude of the Earths gravity is not constant everywhere on the planet but changes from place to place. One major reason as to why gravitational pull varies from place to place is inhomogeneity and unevenness in the distribution of mater ial inside the Earths surface. When temblors strike a region, rocks and other materials are moved tens of kilometers below the surface. As a result of these alterations, small changes in local gravity are registered. When quakes occur in oceans such as the one recorded in Japan in 2011, the shape of the sea bed gets altered, thereby, occasioning the displacement of water and an eventual change in gravity (Buis, 2016).After staying in orbit for a span of time twice its earlier planned life, GOCE ran out of fuel and reentered the atmo...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Are Genetically Modified Foods the Way to Go Essay
We are consuming genetically modified and processed foods every day. Genetically modified and process foods cover roughly 60 to 70% of our food supply. Supermarket processed food items now test positive for the presence of genetically modified ingredients. The hidden menu of these unlabeled genetically modified foods and food ingredients in the US now includes soybeans, soy oil, corn, potatoes, squash, canola oil, cotton seed oil, papaya, tomatoes, and dairy products. But genetic manipulation is something so very different. No one has seen a gene, and the best teaching by the brightest minds cannot adequately convey the ideas of the uniqueness of the genome and how we can read this uniqueness. In short, very few people understand the†¦show more content†¦There are certain studies that should have been performed and eliminated before their introduction. There are certain crops have been genetically modified such as tomatoes, soybean, corn, cotton, just to name a few and how t hey affect humans and animals. Genetically modified foods causes bacteria’s to become resistant to antibiotics, produce allergies, intestinal infections and how they also affect the reproductive system. The experience of actual GM-fed experimental animals is scary. When GM soy was fed to female rats, most of their babies died within three weeksâ€â€compared to a 10% death rate among the control group fed natural soy. The GM-fed babies were also smaller, and later had problems getting pregnant. (Cummins) The toxin levels in genetically modified foods can be very unpredictable. He shows a concern to the fact that more testing and studies need to be performed. (Cummins) In 1989 a genetically engineered brand of L-tryptophan, a common dietary supplement, killed 37 Americans and permanently disabled or afflicted more than 5,000 others with a potentially fatal and painful blood disorder, eosinophilia myalgia syndrome (EMS), before it was recalled by the Food and Drug Administration. (Cummins) In 1994, the FDA approved the sale of Monsantos controversial GE recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) -- injected into dairy cows to force them to produce more milk -- even though scientists warned that significantly higher levels (400-500% or more) ofShow MoreRelatedGenetically Modified Food Production Definition Essay1190 Words  | 5 PagesGenetically modified food production definition: According to the World Health Organization, Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) can be defined as or ganisms (i.e. plants, animals or microorganisms) in which the genetic material (DNA) has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally by mating and/or natural recombination. Genetically modified food definition: Genetically modified food is a source of great controversy, yet most of us are eating it every day. If you cook with canola oil, snackRead MoreGenetic Engineering : Genetically Modified Organisms1485 Words  | 6 PagesA genetically modified organism, or â€Å"GMO,†is defined as being, â€Å"an organism or microorganism whose genetic material has been altered by means of genetic engineering.†This process is often used in plants and animals to produce desirable attributes. In the past, a plant with a desired attribute would be bred, by using selective breeding, to yield more plants with that desirable attribute. Now with the advancement of genetic engineering, this technique can be performed in a laboratory by moving orRead MoreGenetically Modified Foods1198 Words  | 5 PagesGenetically modified foods have recently been in the new headlines for both their positive attributes and the negatives of genetic modification, this e ssay will look at the effects Genetically Modified foods have on the economy, environment and you. 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This includes allergic reactions to possible intestinal damage, many people want to avoid genetically modified foods because of animal studies that have shown changes in internal cell formation, unusual tumor development, and unanticipated passing of life that have occurred, as well as altered the number of cells that regulated the immune sys tem for the body. Research has shown that a growth inRead MoreA Study On Genetically Modified Food1356 Words  | 6 Pagesof Food 10 April 2015 Genetically Modified Food Have you ever thought about the science perspective in the food you eat ? We know science plays a major role in life. Science has made a big change in life throughout the years. Using biotechnology and food contaminations in our food productions, there have been food genetically altered. We know vegetables and other food we buy are bigger in size than usual.We also know the shapes of these vegetables and fruits also look different. We know food productionRead More Genetically Modified Salmon Essay1157 Words  | 5 PagesWhat if the food you were eating right now was not what you thought it was? Instead of being grown like that rest of your food, taking a certain length of time or only growing during certain seasons, it was genetically modified to grow faster and with no consideration to season at all. This concept as farfetched as it may sound is not so farfetched after all with the production of genetically modified GM salmon trying to make its way into our fishers markets and gr ocery stores today. This processRead MoreGenetically Modified Organisms ( Gmo )1665 Words  | 7 PagesA genetically modified organism (GMO) is a chemical organism processed in a laboratory where genes from the DNA of the crops are extracted and then artificially forced into an unrelated product that, when put into the crops the farmers raise, can chemically change the makeup of the crop. The chemical makeup can be from the change in the skin color of the crop to the actual organic chemistry compound. Genetic engineering is the process of splicing the genes in the crop and taking out a certain chemicalRead MoreThe Science Of The Food1290 Words  | 6 Pagesperspective in the food you eat ? We know science plays a major role in life. Science has made a big change in life throughout the years. Using biotechnology and food contaminations in our food productions, there have been food genetically altered. We know vegetables and other food we buy are bigger in size than usual.We see the shape also looking different. We know people inject chemicals into them but we never go into further details understanding why the food we eat is like that. The food we eat are mostly
Monday, May 18, 2020
University of Oregon Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA
The University of Oregon is a public research university with an acceptance rate of 83%. Located in Eugene, Oregon along the Willamette River, the University of Oregon is the flagship campus of Oregons university system. In academics, the university offers over 300 undergraduate majors with business, psychology, biology, and journalism majors among the most popular. In athletics, the University of Oregon Ducks compete in the NCAA Division I Pacific 12 Conference. Considering applying to University of Oregon? Here are the admissions statistics you should know including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, University of Oregon had an acceptance rate of 83%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 83 students were admitted, making UOregons admissions process somewhat competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 24,474 Percent Admitted 83% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 20% SAT Scores and Requirements The University of Oregon requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 68% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 550 650 Math 530 640 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of University of Oregons admitted students fall within the top 35% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to UO scored between 550 and 650, while 25% scored below 550 and 25% scored above 650. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 530 and 640, while 25% scored below 530 and 25% scored above 640. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1290 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at University of Oregon. Requirements The University of Oregon does not require the SAT writing section, and if included, the writing score will not be used for admission consideration. Note that UO participates in the scorechoice program, which means that the admissions office will consider your highest score from each individual section across all SAT test dates. The university does not require SAT Subject tests with the exception of home-schooled students and students who are applying using the universitys Alternative Admissions process. ACT Scores and Requirements University of Oregon requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 46% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 21 29 Math 20 27 Composite 22 28 This admissions data tells us that most of University of Oregons admitted students fall within the top 37% nationally on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to University of Oregon received a composite ACT score between 22 and 28, while 25% scored above 28 and 25% scored below 22. Requirements Note that University of Oregon does not superscore ACT results; your highest composite ACT score will be considered. The University of Oregon does not require the optional ACT writing section. Applicants who take the ACT do not need to submit SAT Subject test scores unless they are home-schooled students or are applying under the Alternative Admissions process. GPA In 2018, the average high school GPA of University of Oregons incoming freshmen class was 3.59, and 61% of admitted students had average GPAs of 3.5 or higher. This information suggests that most successful applicants to University of Oregon have primarily A and B grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph University of Oregon Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph.  Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to University of Oregon. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances The University of Oregon, which accepts over three-fourths of applicants, has a somewhat selective admissions process. If your SAT/ACT scores and GPA fall within the schools average ranges, you have a strong chance of being accepted. However, the University of Oregon also has a holistic admissions process involving other factors beyond your grades and test scores. A strong application essay and a rigorous course schedule can strengthen your application, as can participation in meaningful extracurricular activities. Letters of recommendation are not required, but UOregon will review letters if they are submitted. If circumstances have affected your preparation for college, you may also include an optional statement of explanation. Students with particularly compelling stories or achievements can still receive serious consideration even if their grades and test scores are outside University of Oregons average range. In the scattergram above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students. You can see that the majority of successful applicants had high school grades in the A or B range, ACT composite scores of 20 or higher, and combined SAT scores of 1000 or better (ERWM). Somewhat higher grades and test scores significantly improve your chances of receiving an acceptance letter from Oregon. If You Like the University of Oregon, You May Also Like These Schools UCLABoise State UniversityUniversity of WashingtonStanford UniversitySan Diego State UniversityUC - Santa Cruz All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and University of Oregon Undergraduate Admissions Office.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Customer Service and Holiday Retreat Essay - 1242 Words
Procedure Read the case study. Your assessor will request that you analyse the data and material presented to make recommendations for changing the customer service processes and culture. Specifically, you are required to: †¢ identify Brad’s major customers †¢ prepare a customer service policy for Brad’s business †¢ prepare a standard for handling complaints †¢ prepare a work instruction for handling a complaint †¢ give an example of how you would change an element of the customer service system in response to the complaint about the quality of the meals †¢ outline how you would change the work culture in the kitchen †¢ outline how you would evaluate the customer service Brad’s Holiday Retreat gives in the future †¢ design a customer†¦show more content†¦They employ a full-time accountant, one full-time front office manager, one full time food and beverage manager, one full time chef, part-time front office staff, kitchen staff, waiters, cleaners and a contract gardener. Casual cleaners, waiters and kitchen hands are ‘on call’ to help cope when there are increased customer demands. Rosemary helps out in the office and looks after the telephones and administration when the receptionist has a break or goes to lunch. All customer service issues are handled by Rosemary and she certainly gives feedback to everyone in the business, including Brad, if there are customer service issues to be resolved. Customer base Brad’s Holiday Retreat customer base is currently 60% domestic tourist and 40% international. The domestic side of business is equally divided between travel agent booking and online/telephone bookings. The international business is almost exclusively online/telephone bookings. Although the return is better, these customers are the most demanding. About 60% of revenue comes from room costs; the remaining 40% comes from meals (10%), drinks (15%) and tour operations (15%). Customer satisfaction ‘Customer Satisfaction Guaranteed’ is on all of Brad’s advertising material and business cards, so Rosemary and Brad like to ensure that satisfaction is what the customerShow MoreRelatedIdentify Brad’s Major Customers Essay1259 Words  | 6 Pagesidentify Brad’s major customers †¢ prepare a customer service policy for Brad’s business †¢ prepare a standard for handling complaints †¢ prepare a work instruction for handling a complaint †¢ give an example of how you would change an element of the customer service system in response to the complaint about the quality of the meals †¢ outline how you would change the work culture in the kitchen †¢ outline how you would evaluate the customer service Brad’s Holiday Retreat gives in the future BSB40207Read MoreLilybank Lodge724 Words  | 3 Pagesother such globe-trotters are the prime targets of this fledgling tourism business developed by Lilybank Lodge. 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The European Chivalry the Ideals and Practices Free Essays
The Ideals and Practices Andrew Daniels Strayed University Abstract This paper focuses on the ideals and practices of chivalry, specifically in the Middle Ages. During this time, a list of Ten Commandments pertaining to chivalry existed. Knights were expected to uphold a certain code that impacted their country, church, king, and fellow man. We will write a custom essay sample on The European Chivalry: the Ideals and Practices or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper will elaborate on those individual commandments and explore what each mandate meant for a knight, and it will show how those obligations affected various aspects of their lives. Also, the paper will touch on heavily In relation to a knight’s demeanor toward a woman, and the rules that were to be followed when engaging in courtly love. Lastly, one will see how some of these ideas have carried into modern day, though they have been altered throughout time. Picture King Arthur, a knight In shining armor, waging war against his former knight Lancelot to prove his love for Guinevere. Most people envision such scenes when they hear the word â€Å"chivalry. While dragon-slaying knights and tales of rescuing damsels in distress have contributed to our notion of chivalry, many more unifying aspects make up what it means to be chivalrous. I will be delving into the true meaning behind the principles and what it means to be a knight devoted to the ideals of chivalry. Knights first evolved in the eighth century under the direction of the French ruler Charlemagne; It was from this time that the Idea of chivalry arose. Though the code of chivalry was never formall y written, it was understood by all as a way of culture and moral conduct. During the Middle Ages, knights upheld the ideals and practices delineated in The Code of Chivalry. These values ranged from dedication to the church, to defending the weak and defending your country, and loading yourself to a higher standard by being faithful to your word and respecting others. The unspoken Ten Commandments revealed the duties a knight was to defend. This paper will further expand upon the customs of knights and their chivalric ways. One of the major components of chivalry dealt with protecting the church. The first commandment stated, â€Å"thou shall believe all that the church teaches, and shall observe all its directions†(Marshall, 2002). The second commandment simply stated, â€Å"thou shall defend the Church†(Marshall, 2002). In the Middle Ages Christianity in ten Tort AT cottontails was ten only practice religion. I en snuck played a Olsten and dominate role in the majority of people’s lives, not only medieval knights. Beginning as free peasants, knights often pillaged churches. Due to such violence, Rome declared knights the protectors of churches starting in the tenth century and threatening sanctions against any who ransacked churches. Later, in the 1 lath century, the Truce of God asserted that knights should not make war on all holy days, all saints days or Thursday through Sunday. Abiding to these rules meant that knights exhibited their chivalric duty by observing the churches directions. Not only did the knights protect the church, but the church protected the knights’ estate if he embarked on a Crusade to Jerusalem, the supposed burial sight of Jesus. During his time away, the knight was also exempt from paying taxes to the church (Warrior Challenge, 2003). While knights were required to defend the church, they were also expected to defend the weak, according to the Code of Chivalry (Marshall, 2002). Knights were expected to protect the weak and innocent. Given a plot of land for their services, rather than monetary compensation, knights were required to oversee the land in order to keep agricultural procedures running smoothly and to ensure the well-being over their serfs. Another knightly duty was to avenge the wronged. This was possible with extensive training from the age of seven to twenty one. In this fourteen year span, knights learned everything from hunting and falconry to wielding a battle and vaulting on a horse in heavy armor (Martin, 1991). With a repertoire of experiences such as these, knights were surely qualified to shield anyone weaker than them. Moreover, knights â€Å"shall love the country in which thou waist born†(Marshall, 2002). Knights upheld this chivalric code by living to serve their king and country. In the eighth century when Charlemagne ruled over his vast empire he enacted many longstanding ideas both in religion and education. During this period he and his vassals were involved in protecting their borders; without such a charismatic leader knights may not have been so obliged to serve and defend their king and country. In order to exhibit love for his country, the knight was sure to obey the king, country, and Code of Chivalry. The fifth commandment found in the code of chivalry, â€Å"thou shall not recoil before thing enemy’ (Marshall, 2002). In a time when battles were common, knights were expected to fight with honor and die with valor. These traits would have been taught to these men when they were squires training to be knights. However, knights also established principles of what not to do in battle. It was thought chivalrous to never attack an unarmed foe, never use a weapon on an opponent not equal to the attack, and never attack from behind (Marshall, 2002). By maintaining these principles a knight showed respect to themselves, their king and their country. The next commandment reads, â€Å"thou shall make war against the Infidel without sensation and without mercy,†which relates to the seventh commandment â€Å"thou snail perform scrupulously tiny Teal outlets, IT teen De not contrary to ten laws AT God†(Marshall, 2002). Certain tasks categorized under these two commandments were thought of as chivalrous. One such task stated that knights were to destroy evil in all of its atrocious forms. Knights were required to fight for the ideals of their king, country and chivalry, which meant annihilating all those that attempted to steal land or rob people within the kingdom’s borders in which a knight resided. Protection of one’s country by destroying the enemy remained a priority for knights, as long as they did not betray any teachings of the church. Knights also abided by the code, â€Å"thou shall never lie, and shall remain faithful to thy pledged word†(Marshall, 2002). It was thought gallant to live a life complete with respect and honor. Knights should not take for granted their freedom or their livelihood, and they must remain thankful for the opportunities provided to them. Of course, if knights kept their word of honor, they must avoid lying or cheating their fellow man. Living an existence abundant of deception would defy the principals hose chivalrous men were to uphold. Just as it was thought unethical to deceive their fellow man, it was also thought improper to desert a friend or ally in need. Likewise, knights were not to relinquish a noble cause, whether it presented itself in the form of a battle, defending one’s church, or protecting one’s country (Marshall, 2002). By living a truthful, honest existence, knights became role models of suitable gentlemen, which have contributed to our current view of the word chivalry today. Additionally, the code of chivalry demands, â€Å"thou shall be generous, and give largesse to everyone†(Marshall, 2002). Sir Thomas Malory provides a glimpse into such charitable actions as he recounts a scene between King Arthur and Sir Lancelot in his legend El Mortem d’art. After Arthur learns of Lancelot and Gunrunner’s affair, he wages war against Lancet’s kingdom, only to find himself at the mercy of Lancelot and his kinsman, Sir Boors’ sword Not so hardy, said Sir Lancelot, upon pain of thy head, that thou touch him no more, for I will never see that most noble king that made me knight neither slain en shamed. And therewith Sir Lancelot alighted off his horse and took up the king ND horsed him again, and said thus: My lord Arthur, for God’s love stint this strife, for ye get here no worship, and I would do mine utterance, but always I forbear you, and ye nor none of yours forbear me; my lord, remember what I have done in many places, and now I am evil rewarded (Taylor, 2010, Para. L). Lancelot spares Urethra’s life, remembering when Arthur once placed his faith in Lancelot by making him his knight. Despite the quarrel between the former friends over Guinevere, they still respect one another. In this instance Lancet’s generosity outweighs his desire to defeat Arthur. Such demonstrations of largesse, whether legend or not, reveal the true meaning behind this commandment. The final commandment documented in the Code of Chivalry states, â€Å"thou shall be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice an Eve â€Å"(Marshall,2 I Nils last commandment Disloyally encapsulates ten tore mentioned orders, reminding knights to live for all that is virtuous and to reinforce the need to respect the authority of country, church and king. Knights were to avoid certain practices such as torture and deceit; they were to remain loyal to their friends ND those who placed their trust in them. Furthermore, the concept of respecting women was considered a significant courtesy, though not directly mentioned in the Ten Commandments of Chivalry. Men were to exhibit manners at all times, and they must be polite and attentive to women. Additionally, gentlemen showed respect to whoever should be their host. Andrea Aquaplanes, a 12th century author, wrote De Amour, known today in English as The Art of Courtly Love. In his work, he addresses the â€Å"twelve chief rules of love,†and elaborates on thirty-one aspect of â€Å"the art of courtly love. Rules that men must abide by consisted of topics such as chastity: â€Å"Thou shall keep thyself chaste for the sake of her whom thou loves†(Marshall, 2002). Within these numerous rules, one can see what was thought of as proper in a relationship and the graciousness that was displayed toward women (Marshall, 2002). Concepts such as this reveal the origins of present day views on chivalry or in some opinions, the lack of chivalry. Overall, I feel the principles that contribute to the idea of chivalry, whether or not construed by legend, are important ones. The codes that knights abided by revealed number of characteristics: faith, loyalty, strength, honesty, generosity and courtesy. I believe living an existence according to these principles, or even attempting to attain such standards, makes a person a superior, well-rounded individual. Incorporating such characteristics into one’s everyday life allows a person to be more virtuous, and these values reinforce one’s relationship with the church, country and allies. The romanticism of chivalry has survived to present day, though the code is not held to standards nearly as high as in the past with the majority of the ideas falling to the wayside. I believe a rejuvenation of several of these notions could benefit factions of society and reinstate principles that should be essential for all mankind. How to cite The European Chivalry: the Ideals and Practices, Papers
The European Chivalry the Ideals and Practices Free Essays
The Ideals and Practices Andrew Daniels Strayed University Abstract This paper focuses on the ideals and practices of chivalry, specifically in the Middle Ages. During this time, a list of Ten Commandments pertaining to chivalry existed. Knights were expected to uphold a certain code that impacted their country, church, king, and fellow man. We will write a custom essay sample on The European Chivalry: the Ideals and Practices or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper will elaborate on those individual commandments and explore what each mandate meant for a knight, and it will show how those obligations affected various aspects of their lives. Also, the paper will touch on heavily In relation to a knight’s demeanor toward a woman, and the rules that were to be followed when engaging in courtly love. Lastly, one will see how some of these ideas have carried into modern day, though they have been altered throughout time. Picture King Arthur, a knight In shining armor, waging war against his former knight Lancelot to prove his love for Guinevere. Most people envision such scenes when they hear the word â€Å"chivalry. While dragon-slaying knights and tales of rescuing damsels in distress have contributed to our notion of chivalry, many more unifying aspects make up what it means to be chivalrous. I will be delving into the true meaning behind the principles and what it means to be a knight devoted to the ideals of chivalry. Knights first evolved in the eighth century under the direction of the French ruler Charlemagne; It was from this time that the Idea of chivalry arose. Though the code of chivalry was never formall y written, it was understood by all as a way of culture and moral conduct. During the Middle Ages, knights upheld the ideals and practices delineated in The Code of Chivalry. These values ranged from dedication to the church, to defending the weak and defending your country, and loading yourself to a higher standard by being faithful to your word and respecting others. The unspoken Ten Commandments revealed the duties a knight was to defend. This paper will further expand upon the customs of knights and their chivalric ways. One of the major components of chivalry dealt with protecting the church. The first commandment stated, â€Å"thou shall believe all that the church teaches, and shall observe all its directions†(Marshall, 2002). The second commandment simply stated, â€Å"thou shall defend the Church†(Marshall, 2002). In the Middle Ages Christianity in ten Tort AT cottontails was ten only practice religion. I en snuck played a Olsten and dominate role in the majority of people’s lives, not only medieval knights. Beginning as free peasants, knights often pillaged churches. Due to such violence, Rome declared knights the protectors of churches starting in the tenth century and threatening sanctions against any who ransacked churches. Later, in the 1 lath century, the Truce of God asserted that knights should not make war on all holy days, all saints days or Thursday through Sunday. Abiding to these rules meant that knights exhibited their chivalric duty by observing the churches directions. Not only did the knights protect the church, but the church protected the knights’ estate if he embarked on a Crusade to Jerusalem, the supposed burial sight of Jesus. During his time away, the knight was also exempt from paying taxes to the church (Warrior Challenge, 2003). While knights were required to defend the church, they were also expected to defend the weak, according to the Code of Chivalry (Marshall, 2002). Knights were expected to protect the weak and innocent. Given a plot of land for their services, rather than monetary compensation, knights were required to oversee the land in order to keep agricultural procedures running smoothly and to ensure the well-being over their serfs. Another knightly duty was to avenge the wronged. This was possible with extensive training from the age of seven to twenty one. In this fourteen year span, knights learned everything from hunting and falconry to wielding a battle and vaulting on a horse in heavy armor (Martin, 1991). With a repertoire of experiences such as these, knights were surely qualified to shield anyone weaker than them. Moreover, knights â€Å"shall love the country in which thou waist born†(Marshall, 2002). Knights upheld this chivalric code by living to serve their king and country. In the eighth century when Charlemagne ruled over his vast empire he enacted many longstanding ideas both in religion and education. During this period he and his vassals were involved in protecting their borders; without such a charismatic leader knights may not have been so obliged to serve and defend their king and country. In order to exhibit love for his country, the knight was sure to obey the king, country, and Code of Chivalry. The fifth commandment found in the code of chivalry, â€Å"thou shall not recoil before thing enemy’ (Marshall, 2002). In a time when battles were common, knights were expected to fight with honor and die with valor. These traits would have been taught to these men when they were squires training to be knights. However, knights also established principles of what not to do in battle. It was thought chivalrous to never attack an unarmed foe, never use a weapon on an opponent not equal to the attack, and never attack from behind (Marshall, 2002). By maintaining these principles a knight showed respect to themselves, their king and their country. The next commandment reads, â€Å"thou shall make war against the Infidel without sensation and without mercy,†which relates to the seventh commandment â€Å"thou snail perform scrupulously tiny Teal outlets, IT teen De not contrary to ten laws AT God†(Marshall, 2002). Certain tasks categorized under these two commandments were thought of as chivalrous. One such task stated that knights were to destroy evil in all of its atrocious forms. Knights were required to fight for the ideals of their king, country and chivalry, which meant annihilating all those that attempted to steal land or rob people within the kingdom’s borders in which a knight resided. Protection of one’s country by destroying the enemy remained a priority for knights, as long as they did not betray any teachings of the church. Knights also abided by the code, â€Å"thou shall never lie, and shall remain faithful to thy pledged word†(Marshall, 2002). It was thought gallant to live a life complete with respect and honor. Knights should not take for granted their freedom or their livelihood, and they must remain thankful for the opportunities provided to them. Of course, if knights kept their word of honor, they must avoid lying or cheating their fellow man. Living an existence abundant of deception would defy the principals hose chivalrous men were to uphold. Just as it was thought unethical to deceive their fellow man, it was also thought improper to desert a friend or ally in need. Likewise, knights were not to relinquish a noble cause, whether it presented itself in the form of a battle, defending one’s church, or protecting one’s country (Marshall, 2002). By living a truthful, honest existence, knights became role models of suitable gentlemen, which have contributed to our current view of the word chivalry today. Additionally, the code of chivalry demands, â€Å"thou shall be generous, and give largesse to everyone†(Marshall, 2002). Sir Thomas Malory provides a glimpse into such charitable actions as he recounts a scene between King Arthur and Sir Lancelot in his legend El Mortem d’art. After Arthur learns of Lancelot and Gunrunner’s affair, he wages war against Lancet’s kingdom, only to find himself at the mercy of Lancelot and his kinsman, Sir Boors’ sword Not so hardy, said Sir Lancelot, upon pain of thy head, that thou touch him no more, for I will never see that most noble king that made me knight neither slain en shamed. And therewith Sir Lancelot alighted off his horse and took up the king ND horsed him again, and said thus: My lord Arthur, for God’s love stint this strife, for ye get here no worship, and I would do mine utterance, but always I forbear you, and ye nor none of yours forbear me; my lord, remember what I have done in many places, and now I am evil rewarded (Taylor, 2010, Para. L). Lancelot spares Urethra’s life, remembering when Arthur once placed his faith in Lancelot by making him his knight. Despite the quarrel between the former friends over Guinevere, they still respect one another. In this instance Lancet’s generosity outweighs his desire to defeat Arthur. Such demonstrations of largesse, whether legend or not, reveal the true meaning behind this commandment. The final commandment documented in the Code of Chivalry states, â€Å"thou shall be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice an Eve â€Å"(Marshall,2 I Nils last commandment Disloyally encapsulates ten tore mentioned orders, reminding knights to live for all that is virtuous and to reinforce the need to respect the authority of country, church and king. Knights were to avoid certain practices such as torture and deceit; they were to remain loyal to their friends ND those who placed their trust in them. Furthermore, the concept of respecting women was considered a significant courtesy, though not directly mentioned in the Ten Commandments of Chivalry. Men were to exhibit manners at all times, and they must be polite and attentive to women. Additionally, gentlemen showed respect to whoever should be their host. Andrea Aquaplanes, a 12th century author, wrote De Amour, known today in English as The Art of Courtly Love. In his work, he addresses the â€Å"twelve chief rules of love,†and elaborates on thirty-one aspect of â€Å"the art of courtly love. Rules that men must abide by consisted of topics such as chastity: â€Å"Thou shall keep thyself chaste for the sake of her whom thou loves†(Marshall, 2002). Within these numerous rules, one can see what was thought of as proper in a relationship and the graciousness that was displayed toward women (Marshall, 2002). Concepts such as this reveal the origins of present day views on chivalry or in some opinions, the lack of chivalry. Overall, I feel the principles that contribute to the idea of chivalry, whether or not construed by legend, are important ones. The codes that knights abided by revealed number of characteristics: faith, loyalty, strength, honesty, generosity and courtesy. I believe living an existence according to these principles, or even attempting to attain such standards, makes a person a superior, well-rounded individual. Incorporating such characteristics into one’s everyday life allows a person to be more virtuous, and these values reinforce one’s relationship with the church, country and allies. The romanticism of chivalry has survived to present day, though the code is not held to standards nearly as high as in the past with the majority of the ideas falling to the wayside. I believe a rejuvenation of several of these notions could benefit factions of society and reinstate principles that should be essential for all mankind. How to cite The European Chivalry: the Ideals and Practices, Papers
Levi Strauss Ethical Statement - Free Solution
Question: Discuss the ethics statement of Levi Strauss. Answer: The ethics statement of Levi Strauss Company is: Our ethical principles are the values that set the ground rules for all that we do as employees of Levi Strauss Co. As we seek to achieve responsible commercial success, we will be challenged to balance these principles against each other, always mindful of our promise to shareholders that we will achieve responsible commercial success. This ethical statement is well written as it talks about the responsible commercial success. I liked the way Levi Strauss has used this phrase. It is important that organizations should not just focus on profitability and success but they should focus on the success in a responsible manner. In the current business environment, the concept of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) is an important concept and it is important that the organizations must use CSR to achieve sustainable development (Doh, 2012). I liked the way Levi Strauss has touch base the area of CSR and sustainable development. It is actually good that the company has not used these keywords but they have conveyed the message. With the focus on sustainable development, the organizations can actually establish a good rapport with employees, customers and other stakeholders (Doorey, 2011). It is also correct that the focus on ethical values and principles is also an important aspect of sustainable development and the orga nizations should not overlook this aspect. There is not much that I did not like in this ethics statement. However, the ethics statement states of the companys promise to shareholders to achieve responsible commercial success. One of the meaning of this statement could be that Levi Strauss is willing to take any steps to meet the promise to shareholders. I slightly disagree with this as I believe that organizations have flexible strategies and policies. In the current business environment, organizations should be willing to make the changes with the change in the industry or the competitive landscape. I believe that the companies must not compromise on their ethical standards and principles. Therefore, if a choice has to be made between shareholders value and ethical practices then the company should choose ethical values. It is also important that the organization must also inculcate these ethical values in the minds of stakeholders (Brenkert, 2010). The stakeholders of the company should be have a non-compromising attitude towards ethical and moral values. References Brenkert, G. G. (2010). The limits and prospects of business ethics.Business Ethics Quarterly,20(04), 703-709. Doorey, D. J. (2011). The transparent supply chain: From resistance to implementation at Nike and Levi-Strauss.Journal of Business Ethics,103(4), 587-603. Pearce, J. A., Doh, J. P. (2012). The high impact of collaborative social initiatives.Sloan Management Review,46(2).
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Taxation Fundamentals BAF-5-TAF
Question: Describe about the Report on Taxation Fundamentals BAF-5-TAF? Answer: Scenario 1 Taxable Income and Income Tax of Susan Phillips Particulars Amount () Salary 95,060.10 Taxable Benefits Car's Taxable Value 6,725.00 Fuel's Taxable Value 5,944.90 12,669.90 Accommodation Annual Value or rateable value whichever is higher 9,600.00 Expensive Flat 3,780.00 Ancillary Services: Furniture: 35,000 * 20/100 * 11/12 6,416.70 Computer: 5,000 * 20/100 * 9/12 750.00 20,546.70 Gross Salary 128,276.70 Calculation of Tax: Particulars Non-savings Savings Dividends Tax already deducted Total () Salary 128,277.00 128,276.70 BSI 8,017.00 1,604.00 8,017.00 Dividend 14,252.00 1,425.20 14,252.00 Total 128,277.00 8,017.00 14,252.00 3,029.20 150,546.00 - P.A 0 0 0 0 - 128,277.00 8,225.00 14,252.00 3,029.20 150,546.00 Tax Computation Tax at Basic rate 34,991 x 20% = 6998.00 34,991 Tax at Higher rate 93286 x 40% = 37,314.00 BSI 8,017 x 40% = 3,206.8 136294 Tax as per calculation Dividend 14252 x 32.5% = 4631.9 150546 Tax as per Calculation 52,150.7 Tax paid (3,029.20) Tax liability = 49121 Basic rate band is extending to 34,991 by addition of 3,206 to low rate band of 31,785. So Basic rate band = 31,785 + 3,206 = 34,991 Higher rate band = 153,206 Notes: 1. Details of Car Car Porsche Macan S Diesel List Price - 45,942 inclusive of VAT CO2 Emission 159 g/Km Technical Specs of the Car Power 190 KW at 4,000 4,250 Acceleration 6.3 secs from 0 100 km /h Height 1,624 mm Wheelbase 2,807 mm Length 4,697 mm Engine 3.0 L V6 Standard Specification Side blades, Dual-tube twin pipes, thermally tinted insulated glasses, electric seat adjustment, Multi functional sports steering wheels, gearshift paddles, Automatic rear hatch, Macan wheel of 18 inch, Sport button. Cars Taxable value Calculate it on the list price, to the extent provided by the employer. Susans employer gives 25,000 for the car. Hence, the given value is taken for calculation. Formula = List price/Amount given by employer * Applicable percentage Applicable percentage: For CO2emission up to 100g/km 15% Above 100 g/km to Actual CO2 emission/5 = (159 g/km 100 g/km) / 5 = 59/5 = 11.9% Total to a maximum of 37% = 26.9% Taxable value of car = 25,000 * 26.9/100 = 6,725 2. Personal Allowance It is allowed for gross salary below 121,200 on average. As, the gross salary is 128,276.70, no personal allowance allowed. 3. Taxable value of Fuel = Take 22,100 as the amount of fuel irrespective of how much the employer is giving and how much is used for personal or business purpose. Value = 22,100 * Applicable percentage = 22,100 * 26.9/100 = 5,944.9 4. Salary is as per DOB of 01.06.95 which is then divided by 10. 950601/10 = 95060.1 5. Accommodation It is taxable on the basis of higher of the rateable or annual value of the accommodation. The annual value is not given. Rateable value is 9,600. Hence, the taxable value is 9,600. 6. The other taxable value on Accommodation is calculated when the total cost price of it is more than 75,000 at the rate of 2%. The expensive value is 3,780. 7. The additional service in the accommodation is taxable. Furniture is an additional benefit. The asset given by the employer is taxed at 20% flat rate on the assets value. Taxable value of Furniture 35,000 * 20/100 * 11/12 = 6416.70 Taxable value of Computer 5,000 * 20/100 * 9/12 = 750 8. Other Incomes: a. Building Society Interest Net amount = 5% of Gross Salary. Interest on building society = 5/100 * 128,277 = 6,413.85 Gross Interest on Building Society = 6,413.85 * 100/80 = 8,017 Grossed up is @ 80% b. Dividend Net amount = 10% of Gross Salary Dividend = 10/100 * 128,277 = 12,827 Gross of dividend = 12,827 * 100/90 = 14,252 Grossed up is at 90% c. Charitable donation 2% of Gross Salary Charitable Donations: 2/100 * 128,277 = 2,565 Grossed Charitable donation = 2,565 * 100/80 = 3,206 Grossing up is at 80% 9. Taxation rate for year 2015/2016 is: 0 - 31,785 20% 31,786 - 150,000 40% Over 150,000 45%. Adjust these rates as per charitable donation made. 10. Building society interest attracts higher rate as the gross income with its inclusion exceeds the basic rate band. 11. Divided attracts higher rate band as the gross income with its inclusion after inclusion of BSI exceeds the basic rate band. 12. The Tax liability is to the nearest zero. National Insurance contribution This is a contribution towards state pension deducted by the employer. Calculation of NIC: Calculation of NIC: Band NIC 0 - 672 0% 0 673 - 3,532 12% 343.20 Over 3,532 2% 87.79 Total monthly NIC 430.99 Total Annual NIC = Monthly NIC * 12 5,171.88 Salary on month basis: 95060/12 = 7921.67 Scenario 2 Car is Porsche Macan S Diesel with List price of 45,942. CO2 emission is 159 g/km The calculation of taxable car value depends on the list price. However, the employer is just providing 25,000 amount of car. Therefore the additional benefit amount is taken as 25,000. The formula for taxable value of car is: List price of the car or the amount of benefit provided by the employer * Applicable percentage. Applicable percentage as calculated above is 26.9%. It is limited to the percentage of 37% if the applicable percentage exceeds it. As per the formula the taxable amount of car is 6,725. Fuel is provided for unlimited amount. The amount of fuel for taxable value purpose is 22,100. It doesnt matter how much amount of fuel is provided and how much is used or not used for business purpose. The value calculated for taxable purpose is 5,944.90. Accommodation To calculate the taxable value, the rateable value and the annual value of the accommodation should be known. Here, the annual value is not given. Therefore, the rateable value of 9,600 is taken. Where ancillary costs like water expenses, council rates, etc. are also paid by the employer, is added to taxable value of the accommodation. Expensive value of accommodation Another additional taxable value of accommodation is taken for tax purpose, where the value of the property is more than 75,000. Such excess amount will attract 3% rate on it. It is calculated as 3,780. Furnished Accommodation Where the accommodation provided by the employer is furnished, then additional benefits taxable amount is also calculated. Computers, clothes, furniture, etc are additional types of benefits. They are taxable at flat rate of 20%. The value of furniture as additional benefit at 20% rate for 11 months period is 6,416.70. The furniture is availed from 6 May 2015 and tax period is till 6 April 2016. Computer is also an additional benefit. The taxable value for it will also be computed at 20% rate for 9 months. The computer is used from 6 July 2015. Taxable value is 750. Salary Employee has to pay tax on the salary provided by the employer. It includes all additional benefits. Amount of 95,060 is taxable under the head salary. Few additional benefits like parking space at office, one mobile phone, etc is not taxable. Personal Allowance The amount of 10,600 can be claimed by the taxpayer. However, where the salary amount exceeds the amount of 100,000, the personal allowance reduces at every 2% increase of salary to every 1$ decrease in the allowance. Because of the charitable donation made for amount of 3,206, the taxpayer is allowed to increase the basic and the other rate bands by such amount. Therefore, for tax purpose, the basic rate band after including 3,206 is 34,991 and the higher tax rate band after including 3,206 is 153,206. Building society interest The tax is charged at such interest at 20%. Therefore grossing up is done at 80%. It is taxed after salary. It is taxable at basic rate band. However, if the taxpayer is a higher tax payer, then his rate band of 40% is charged on it. The taxable amount is 8,017. Dividend The tax is charged at such dividend at 10%. Therefore, grossing up is done at 90%. It is taxed after Building society interest. When the taxpayer is a higher tax payer, then the higher rate of 32.5% is charged on dividend. The taxable amount is 14,252.22 National Insurance Contribution It is deducted by employer for state pension scheme till the age of state pension age. The employees contributing for NIC comes under class 1. The rates for contribution are as follows: 0 - 652 No contribution 652 - 3,532 12% Over 3,532 2% It is calculated on the salary amount only. No additional benefits are considered for NIC. The contribution in NIC is 5,171.88 Scenario 4 Basis of Assessment Accrual system is followed in United Kingdom to assess the Income in a particular taxation period. Deduction is allowed to be subtracted from the income earned from various properties. It depends on what type of property is dealt with, as there are different rules for different properties. Allowable expenses They are related to the property. It should be noted that such expenses can be claimed by a landlord only. It means that the property must be a rental property. The expenses which are allowed as deduction are: Water rates, electricity expenses, council taxes, gas expenses. Insurance on property Fees of accountant Mortgage interest on property taken for buying such property Cost of services like wages of those who are taking care of the property such as gardener, etc. Agents fees Legal fees related to renewal of the lease which is less than 50 years, or for lets of the year. Repair and the maintenance of the property. Expenses related to phone calls or telephone bills, stationary Expenses on advertisement made for renting to new tenants. Foreign taxes paid on EEA FHL Loss It incurs in case where the allowed expenses exceed the income received from the property. The amount of loss from one property is to be adjusted with income from different property, if any. Loss from EEA FHL property is adjusted with EEA FHL income only. In case, where the loss still sand out even after adjustment, then it is to be carried forward to the next tax year. Where, loss is carried forward from past years, and then it is to be adjusted with current tax There are different types of properties for which different rules are followed. They are: Furnished property letting Foreign property letting Own property letting Letting of property while living abroad Capital Expenditure Such expenses are incurred from the purpose of long term prospective. Example is renovation to the property, up grading it, etc. They are not of revenue nature which incurs at every shot period of time. A record is to be kept for the same. They are not allowed generally as deduction from the income of the property. However a furnished property can claim deduction on capital expenditure. Such expense is related to the use of furnishing in the property which obviously gets tear and wear. Due to this 10% of the net rent is deducted from the net rent under wear and tear allowance. White goods are also covered in it like crockery, etc. Difference between expenses claimed or allowed in a furnished letting and an un-furnished letting. Un-furnished letting All expenses of revenue nature can be claimed. No capital expenditure allowed. Furnished Letting Under this also revenue expenses is claimed and additionally under wear and tear allowance, 10% of the net rent is claimed for furnishing which is capital expense. Different Rules for Different properties. Own property letting It is the letting where the property of the owner (where the owner is living) is let out for tenancy. The rental income derived from such property is taxable after it exceeds the limit of 4,250 which is a tax-free amount. The limit is compared after allowing the claimed expenses from the income of the property. Furnished lettings It is the letting where the property of the owner which is not used for living by him is rented out. It is completely furnished. It should be noted that in order to be a furnished house letting, it must be located in EEA (European Economic Area) or in United Kingdom. To qualify as a furnished letting three conditions are to be qualified. Condition of availability - The furnished property is to be available for letting for at least 210 days in the taxation year. Occupation condition Where there are many properties, the letting should which exceeds 31 days continuously should not exceed 155 days period in the taxation year. Letting condition The property is to be occupied or let out to public for at least a period of 105 days minus the living days by the relatives, or friends. In short he 105 days should be commercially let out. There can be a case where the property is not let out for given no. of days, but there are many furnished let out properties. In such case, average occupancy can be applied by summing up the total occupancy days from all properties divided by number of properties. It should exceed the given number of days. There can be another case, where the furnished property is let out for 105 days in some years, and in some years it is not. There the period of grace election can be applied. For this it is treated as furnished letting as long as the occupation condition and the condition of availability are met. The loss of Furnished letting in UK can be set off with the property in the same location and in the same way loss of EEA furnished letting can be set off with the property in the same location. Income from furnished letting which is taxable is computed by as: Income from the furnished property XXX Less: Allowable expenses of revenue nature (YYY) Net RentZZZ Less: Capital expenditure allowed at 10% of net rent (ZZ.Z) Net taxable Income DDD Leased Property The taxable income of such property is calculated as follows: Lease premium amount30,000 Less: Premium * 2% * (Term period 1) : 30,000 * 2/100 * (20-1) 11,400 Taxable Amount of leased property 18,600 References Anon, 2015, Rent a room in your own home, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at: Anon, 2015, FHL, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at: Anon, n.d, Macan S Diesel Engine, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at: Anon, 2015, Income tax when you rent out a property: working out rental income, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at: Anon, 2015, how the lease premium is charged, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at: Anon, n.d, Macan S Diesel, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at: Anon, 2014, Expenses and benefits, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at: Anon. n.d, Allowable expenses and Allowances, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at: Anon, 2015, UK Property notes, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at: Anon, 2013, Tax on employer provided assets and computers, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at: Anon, n.d, Tax on dividends, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at: Anon, 2015, how NIC is calculated, accessed on 10th March 2016, Available at:
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