Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The 5-Minute Rule for Reflection on Passion Essay Samples
The 5-Minute Rule for Reflection on Passion Essay Samples The Integrated Writing task was developed to inspect the capacity of students to understand information, which came from various sources. The Cornel Method is used most by student because it's the simplest and most efficient method of note taking. Folks aren't following their passion only because they need to pursue name and money. Don't be scared to be a bit silly, its healthy. All About Reflection on Passion Essay Samples Every argument or claim needs to be described in another paragraph. Furthermore, however, you would like to make sure a conclusion that returns to the most important point. In addition, don't neglect to incorporate the thesis statement which serves as the primary point of the reflection paper. You don't ever want to lose the principal point of your essay or any body of work for this issue. Not a single race or culture of people is individually responsible and that's something that has to be und erstood. Ideally, your conclusion is likely to leave a long-lasting effect on your audience. As a history student, you may also need to place your concentrate on the geographical location that plays an important part in the plot formation approach. A good example of my personal meditative growth has arrived from everyday living for a freshman. Perhaps you reflected on the circumstance and learned a valuable lesson about the significance of time administration. When one is said to get passion, that means this man is driven and full of enthusiasm. The definition of passion is a potent emotion. A brief definition of reflection is going to be attempted and the value of reflective account for a student nurse. The 17th century literature is known as the Baroque. You will also need to derive the existent motifs displayed in the movie. In regard to the Roots movie, you are able to choose a wide selection of focal points in your reflection writing. There is an excellent emphasis on the characters since they are those that influence your perception concerning the movie. The most important idea is to think about the movie review just like every bit of literature review work. A great focus also has narrating the effectiveness and the way in which they influence the ploy of the film. You will also need to think about the different element is they collectively produce the movie Roots achieve harmony. In any case, your reaction may also make an overall address to the whole documentary without picking parts. Reflection on Passion Essay Samples Explained Experience is why folks visit the movies or watch TV. It is crucial to not forget that you'll be tied for the moment. Each day you change in some manner. When a connection between two people is supposedly passionate, it usually means they are madly, deeply in love together. Thesis is the center of the whole work, which comprises the crucial details on the entire essay. Stephen's essay is quite effective. Reflection essays can be quite enjoyable. Based on the approach which you may want to pursue, there are particular considerations about how to compose a reaction paper to a documentary you should make. If there's a criticism to be made from the book, it's that the authors might have teased out more fully the distinction between theological reflection and practical theology. Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. While it's not essential to construct a reflective essay outline, we can guarantee it will benefit the end consequence of your reflective essay. The History of Reflection on Passion Essay Samples Refuted If you've written the article from your very own personal experience, maybe you have already included emotionally charged language. While there could be no universal religion, the stories and traditions that are connected with religion are unique and ought to be appreciated. Any professor will decrease your grades in the event the paper c omprises tons of typos, grammar and lexical mistakes, and several different imperfections. You may be surprised at how frequently students obtain their professor's name wrong. Passion can likewise be the object of somebody's enthusiasm. Writing is among the things that I used to hate the most.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Dutch and Belgium Organ Donation Acts - 775 Words
Assignment III-B: Dutch and Belgium Organ Donation Acts. In Belgium there is a different post mortem organ donation law than in The Netherlands, although they both have the same main purpose: they seek to increase the supply of donors. In Belgium it is presumed that each citizen has consented to the harvest of organs following death unless an objection to such a harvest was recorded, an opt-out system. Belgium combines presumed consent with a practice of inquiring into the wishes of the next of kin. One advantage of presumed consent is that there is no need to refer to drivers licenses or donor cards, which may not be carried at the relevant time. Another is that distraught family members do not need to make a positive decision to†¦show more content†¦People may believe that their request is binding, if they do not read the information, and might feel infringed in their privacy. I think it would be better to give them the option to register their preference when they are asking for a public service, just to make them aware of the system. Giving the option will give people time to think about it, and will make people aware of the necessity to think about it, because they might safe other peoples life. Reference: 1. The Organ Donation Act International Publication Series Health, Welfare and Sport nr.3, Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport Ââ€" NL.Show MoreRelated Dutch and Belgium Organ Donation Acts Essay example772 Words  | 4 Pages Assignment III-B: Dutch and Belgium Organ Donation Acts. In Belgium there is a different post mortem organ donation law than in The Netherlands, although they both have the same main purpose: they seek to increase the supply of donors. In Belgium it is presumed that each citizen has consented to the harvest of organs following death unless an objection to such a harvest was recorded, an opt-out system. 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Benlysta targets the specific protein that becomes overactive, causing the body to attack its own organs. At stake is relief for the millions of sufferers of lupus worldwide. â€â€C. Rothman, 2009 COMPANY: MOTOROLA Project: Google Android Smart Phones Motorola is set to release multiple Google Android smart phones at several different price points.
Monday, December 9, 2019
Australia Against Reckless Driving on Road
Question: Discuss about the Australia Against Reckless Driving on Road. Answer: Introduction Road safety is one of the most complicated issues, which have so far no answers for this from several societal firms across the globe (Scott-Parker Goode Salmon, 2015). However, some organizations are working hard to produce a possible amount of stoppages to road accidents. Australian Road Safety Foundation (ARSF) is one of such organizations, which is working hard in lowering the accidental cases on roads by doing several programs and campaigns. This assignment shows the utmost dedication of the organization towards the human wellbeing. Moreover, the life saving children stickers and the inception of educational programs on safe driving across various national schools are the highlights of the assignment. Literature to support the need for such organization Organization such as Australian Road Safety Foundation is of utmost requirement for the society because it is imparting solution to the increasing number of road accidents with various programs such as life saving children stickers and educational program in national schools. Accidents do also occur due to negligence of driving etiquettes on the road (Glendon et al., 2014). Nevertheless, the initiation by the Company to educate young children in between 11 to 12 years of their age is of high appreciation under the circumstances (Beanland et al., 2013). The organization is aiming to include this program in various national schools to educate students on road safety. The primary goal of the program is to educate young drivers on the etiquettes of driving on road, a way before than their actual inception on roads. A prepared driver under the guidelines of driving etiquettes on the road is a valuable asset for any country (, 2017). Programs of organizations The one program is about life saving stickers printed on the wheelie bins, which in particular contains images of children. Moreover, it is their belief that children stickers on the wheelie bins might catch the attention of vehicle drivers and fill them with all sort of care towards the human lives (Sagberg, Bianchi Piccinini Engstrm, 2015). The children stickers are available at AU$10 excluding the postage and the handling charges. The ARSF has also promoted theses stickers through a video, which will be shared on social media channels. It is an encouraging move by the Company, which should be responded with a warm welcome from every resident by placing sticker on their personal bins (, 2017). SWOT analysis Strengths 1. Life saving stickers of children on wheelie bins 2. Range of educational materials to promote the road safety 3. Initiation of a program in national schools to guide high school students on road safety parameters Weaknesses 1. Unavailability of speed limit stickers, which is indeed comparatively more effective 2. Longer delivery time for children stickers Opportunities 1. Diverse range of operations such as printing of life saving children stickers, road safety related programs in national schools provide enormous opportunities to its staffs and volunteers 2. Potential to reduce road accidents 3. Supportive works to affected people of road accidents Threats 1. Adoption of the speed limit stickers by its competitors might hamper the business of ARSF as speed limit stickers are more effective than the children stickers in avoiding road accidents 2. Competitors having the capability of producing life saving children stickers in a lesser time might take away a significant business from the ARSF Source: (Created By Author) Programmes such as production of life saving children stickers, initiation of road safety related educational program in national schools have already proved their concern towards the good cause of human being. However, it is contradicting with its own concept in not producing the speed limit stickers, which is indeed more effective in creating road safety related awareness (Harbeck Glendon, 2013). Moreover, the slow process of delivering the life saving children stickers is also providing sufficient reason to its competitors for occupying their dominant position (Taubman-Ben-Ari, 2012). The Company has enormous opportunities to all its staffs and common people as it is engaged in several social programs such as life saving children stickers and road safety education in national schools. Moreover, no production of speed limit stickers, which are more effective than children stickers, is a matter of serious concern for the Company (Ferguson, 2013). Justification for an appropriate target market The target market for the Company is careless drivers, students in national schools, road accidents (McNally Bradley, 2014). The ARSF Company has targeted the reckless drivers, as they are one of the most powerful contributors in the rising number of road accidents. Careless driving may include various reasons such as using mobile while driving, drunk driving, rush driving and many more. Installing life saving children stickers on the wheelie bins near the roadside is a good move. Moreover, walking children would prompt them about that some children are about to walk on the road, so, please be careful and reduce the speed of the car significantly (Fildes, 2013). On a same note, educating the school students on the driving etiquettes is another very effective move for a reason that this would construct the foundation of numerous safe drivers. Before applying for the license, the basic teachings related to the etiquettes of driving would prove its worth in bringing the desired outcome of the ARSF (Harbeck Glendon, 2013). Product The products, which the Company is using to attract its target customers, are life saving children stickers and the initiation of educational course in national schools covering basic road safety guidelines. The Company has chosen this product for the fact that these forces have capable efficiency in them to mitigate the rising cases of road accidents. Life saving children stickers are believed to arouse the sense of realization into those rush drivers who love speed driving at all the time about the safety of humanity (Ferguson, 2013). Moreover, images of passing children on the wheelie bins might remind them of one fact that some children are about to pass by the road. This indeed might force them to hold on a bit and drive slowly to save the life of humanity. Another product of the Company is the inception of educational teachings across all the national schools. The program would target high school students. Moreover, educating students on driving etiquettes before they could apply for the driving license is an encouraging move of the Company. This would ensure a less number of reckless driving on the road as the course would ensure maximum number of high school students across various national schools (Ferguson, 2013). The life saving children stickers are available in the market for AU$10 excluding all the postage and the handling charges. However, the delivery of the product might take 21 days to happen. This is fair pricing for the product as the pasting of stickers on the wheelie bins involves some serious printing and designing from the designing team. It involves a significant number of workforces for the manufacturing and the printing of the product. Moreover, these all expenses would cost a significant amount as stickers in bulk numbers are required to meet with the customer demand for the product. On a same note, the inception of the educational teachings in the course module of the high school students of various national high schools does some significant investment from the Company. Moreover, the inception of educational teachings on driving etiquettes in various national schools would attract certain investment. This would involve printing of necessary modules on the driving etiquettes on the road as per the Companys requirement. The place for the life saving stickers is the wheelie bins on the sideways of common roads. Moreover, this would catch some form of sympathy of the drivers and hence would compel them to lower down the driving speed. On a same note, the educational courses on the basic road safety parameters are scheduled to take place across various national schools. This is again justified, as it would reach maximum number of school students. The target of the Company is to reach to maximum number of school students and educate them on the driving etiquettes on the road. Because of this, more and more students would get to know about the present road scenarios, some identified reasons for road accidents and the way to tackle with the increasing number of road accidents. Tutorial education on the etiquettes of driving before applying for the license is indeed looks an effective move by the ARSF Company towards raising the generosity among young school students for the safe driving (Harbeck Glendon, 2013). Promotion The Company has launched a video promoting the life saving children stickers, which will soon be available across all the social media channels. Moreover, media channels are quick source for sending or conveying some message to the masses in no time (Ferguson, 2013). Further, the proposed plan of the Company would catch thousand of viewers in no time. More number of buyers would then be attracted towards the product. This would ensure maximum number of wheelie bins installation around the house or the societal background. The more the installation happens, the lesser would be the accident cases as believed by the Company (Ferguson, 2013). On a same note, introducing educational teachings on driving etiquettes across various national schools is another encouraging move of the Company. Moreover, targeting young generation at the school level would ensure expert drivers on the road. It is very tough to have control on what is happening but it is easier to put some efforts on new generation to stop any further production of reckless drivers. The sale of Life Saving Children Stickers would ensure the evaluation of the effectiveness of the plan (Mirman Kay, 2012). Moreover, the number of interested students for the educational course on the driving etiquettes would ensure the success of the educational program (Scott-Parker et al., 2013). Conclusion Safe driving on the road has emerged as a vital topic for the discussions across various experts and common people. Road accidents are increasing with every passage of the day without any significant remedial action against them. However, some companies are using their innovation to produce a force, which could provide a sigh of relief against such a trauma. Nevertheless, they are yet to prove their worth, as they have not left any significant impact on stopping the increasing road accidents. Australian Road Safety Foundation is one of those companies, which is continually engaged in producing a remedial action against such a road trauma. Moreover, the unavailability of speed limit stickers itself represent the weakness in their approach. References (2017). Education - Australian Road Safety Foundation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2017]. (2017). Life Saving Stickers - Australian Road Safety Foundation. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Feb. 2017]. Beanland, V., Goode, N., Salmon, P. M., Lenn, M. G. (2013). Is there a case for driver training? A review of the efficacy of pre-and post-licence driver training.Safety science,51(1), 127-137. Ferguson, S. A. (2013). Speeding-related fatal crashes among teen drivers and opportunities for reducing the risks.Governor's Highway Safety Association. Fildes, B. (2013). Driver Behavior and Road.Psychology and policing, 31. Glendon, A. I., McNally, B., Jarvis, A., Chalmers, S. L., Salisbury, R. L. (2014). Evaluating a novice driver and pre-driver road safety intervention.Accident Analysis Prevention,64, 100-110. Harbeck, E. L., Glendon, A. I. (2013). How reinforcement sensitivity and perceived risk influence young drivers reported engagement in risky driving behaviors.Accident Analysis Prevention,54, 73-80. McNally, B., Bradley, G. L. (2014). Re-conceptualising the reckless driving behaviour of young drivers.Accident Analysis Prevention,70, 245-257. Mirman, J. H., Kay, J. (2012). From passengers to drivers: parent perceptions about how adolescents learn to drive.Journal of Adolescent Research,27(3), 401-424. Sagberg, F., Selpi, Bianchi Piccinini, G. F., Engstrm, J. (2015). A review of research on driving styles and road safety.Human factors,57(7), 1248-1275. Scott-Parker, B., Goode, N., Salmon, P. (2015). The driver, the road, the rules and the rest? A systems-based approach to young driver road safety.Accident Analysis Prevention,74, 297-305. Scott-Parker, B., Watson, B., King, M. J., Hyde, M. K. (2013). Revisiting the concept of the problem young driverwithin the context of the young driver problem: Who are they?.Accident Analysis Prevention,59, 144-152. Taubman-Ben-Ari, O. (2012). The effects of positive emotion priming on self-reported reckless driving.Accident Analysis Prevention,45, 718-725.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Short Story About Bullying free essay sample
Pablo etched her face with broad pencil strokes. Two fine lines hinted at eyebrows, lifted in a lipless smile. The large eyes were slightly downcast, lashes thick and soft. Prominent cheekbones hovered above a thin jaw line and soft chin. None of the features were completely filled in. Only one nostril was finished, the eyes were half shaded, and light waves of hair framed the sides of her face and neck. Tiny wrinkles at the edge of her mouth spoke of tears and laughter. Pablo’s pencil bobbed and flicked across the page. He worked quickly, touching down in random corners of the portrait. He thickened a bit of shadow under the left eye, added another lock of hair, and sharpened the edge of the woman’s lip. Pablo was so engrossed in the drawing that he was not aware of his teacher standing just behind him, looking over his shoulder. We will write a custom essay sample on Short Story About Bullying or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"That’s beautiful. I’m glad to have you in my class, Pablo. You are very talented. †Ms. Sanadi smiled at him. â€Å"Who is it? †â€Å"It’s, um, no one really. †Pablo set his pencil down and glanced around at the other tables of students. He felt uncomfortable, as he always did, when teachers praised him. It was hard enough being the new student. It’s obvious you’ve had some practice. †Ms. Sanadi took a step closer and leaned down to admire the sketch. She was close enough for Pablo to smell faint perfume, like crushed petals. â€Å"She looks sad somehow, but very pretty. †â€Å"Thanks ma’am,†Pablo replied quietly. â€Å"Now nothing against this fine lady, Pablo, but I’m obliged to make one critical comment. †Ms Sanadi grinned, as if to belay her tone. â€Å"As I said at the start of class, we are working on contour drawing. This is lovely, especially around the eyes, but contour drawing is just lines – no shading. †â€Å"Sorry ma’am,†he said, â€Å"I’ll start over. He picked up the portrait, folded it once, and set it to the side. â€Å"Oh, don’t worry dear, there’s no rush. I won’t ask you to turn anything in until the end of the week. †She stepped away from the table as her sentence trailed off. When Pablo glanced up, Ms. Sanadi was already examining someone else’s work. He pulled a new piece of paper in front of him, picked up his pencil, and started sketching the classroom. He was seated near the back of the room, so he began outlining the tables of students directly in front of him, heads hunched in s ynchronous slouch. He gave this row the thickest, darkest lines. He was careful not to shade, although he much preferred to include the softer details. After faintly delineating the first row, Ms. Sanadi’s desk, and the chalkboard, Pablo returned his attention to the students directly in front of him. A petite girl with an overlarge sweater had her backpack on the table, separating her from the two rowdy boys who shared the space. The boy immediately to her right looked fragile. His head twitched from the tabletop to his companion; they snickered at a private joke. The other boy was large and bullish, with a meaty forehead and a cruel sound to his whisper. Pablo could not make out what they were saying, but he wasn’t trying to listen either. His concentration was on the creases in their clothes, their hunched posture, the chips and cracks in their seatbacks. â€Å"Okay everyone,†Ms. Sanadi spoke extra loud to cut into the murmur. â€Å"Sarah’s not feeling well, so I’m going to walk her down to see Jason. Keep working and keep your voices down, I won’t be gone long. †Pablo hadn’t noticed the sickly girl at the front of the class. She had nut-brown skin like Pablo, but there was a green hue to her cheeks. She wobbled beside Ms. Sanadi, eyes on the floor. A moment later the door closed, and the voices in the room burgeoned. Pablo ignored the chatter, kept his head down, and continued drawing. Several minutes passed and the teacher did not return. The volume continued to rise, and soon Pablo was the only student not talking to a neighbour. True, he was the only one seated at his particular table, but this was also his first day at Central Secondary, and Pablo had learned long ago that new students do well to keep their mouths shut until they get their bearings. He estimated that he would need two weeks’ reconnaissance before he could map out the cliques and cabals of his new environment. Not that Pablo expected to stay at this school long – he never did – but he was accustomed to the rigmarole of being the new kid. Just as Pablo started etching the folds in the girl’s backpack, the large boy at her table yelled at someone across the room. â€Å"Did you just say my name? †The boy got to his feet. â€Å"You better not be talking about me you little freak. †Pablo saw a small head at the front of the class shake back and forth, accompanied by a frightened squawk. The twitchy kid beside the bully chortled encouragement. The frightened boy at the front turned around quickly and sank down in his seat. â€Å"I’m talking to you, Chris. Don’t turn your back on me. †He stepped away from the table and into the aisle between rows. â€Å"What did you say? †â€Å"Nothing. †Chris’s voice squeaked again. He was still seated, but he had turned around once more, mooneyes pocked with fear. â€Å"He said the only reason you’re so big is because you failed sixth grade. Is that true Jenkins? †This came from a freckly, red-haired girl at the table behind Chris. She smiled as she perched on her chair, enjoying the prospect of conflict. Several people chuckled, perhaps at Chris’ expense, or at the insult to Jenkins. The thuggish boy ignored the laughter and took three strides to stand beside Chris. Even from behind, Pablo could see that Jenkins was furious. His shoulders were tense. His neck was reddening. His fists were balled. Pablo set his pencil down. He didn’t like fighting, but even more, he didn’t like bullies. He’d been bullied himself by countless louts, although he always did his best to meet them fist for fist. Pablo wasn’t a very tall boy, but he was fast. More than that, since his earliest memories, his father had trained him in self-defence. After his father died, it hurt too much to continue the training. For almost four years Pablo resisted his mother’s attempts to get him back into martial art classes. Your father would have wanted it,†she’d tell him over and over. Finally, when the loss began to subside, and his fathers memory became shadows and dusty photographs, Pablo consented. Chris stared up at Jenkins, and for a moment Pablo thought nothing would happen. They were in class, after all, and Ms. Sanadi said s he would be right back. But the pause was brief. Jenkins grabbed Chris by the shirt and pulled him to his feet. The smaller boy tried to yell for him to stop, but his voice failed and he produced little more than a yip. â€Å"Leave him alone jerkface,†a girl shouted from behind Pablo. The rest of the room fell quiet. Jenkins ignored the slur and slammed Chris up against the chalkboard. â€Å"What do you know about me flunking grade six? †Jenkins didnt give him time to respond. Chris doubled over as the mallet fist impacted his stomach. He tried to cry out, but the blow winded him and he slid to the ground. Jenkins reached down and grabbed Chris shirt again, forcing him to stand. The boy was crying between gasps for air. Pablo stood up. For a moment he could hear his mothers voice, telling him to sit back down, begging him not to get into trouble on his first day. He could feel several eyes in the room flick up at him questioningly. His shyness melted into a pool of anger. Pablo, with coffee cup eyes steaming out from behind espresso black hair, had a temper. â€Å"Leave him alone,†Pablo said. The twitchy boy at the table in front of him turned to stare incredulously, as if he had never seen anyone stand up to his brutish companion. The girl wedged beside her backpack stared too, with an expression that asked Pablo what he was trying to prove. But Pablo saw neither of them. He stood facing Jenkins, and in him he saw every bully he had ever despised. Who the hell are you? †Jenkins dropped Chris back into a heap of tears and started walking toward Pablo. His lips curled and eyes twinkled with the thrill of having a new target for his frustration. Pablo didnt respond. He watched the bullys movements as he loped down the aisle. Pablo was quietly measuring his reach, anticipating the first move. Jenkins drew his hand back, and instea d of a fist, swung at Pablo with open palm. Although he hadnt expected a slap to the face, Pablo stepped easily outside Jenkins range and the pudgy fingers trod only air. The bully grunted and took another step forward just as Pablo ducked slightly and struck him hard in the ribs. Jenkins groaned. He looked bewildered, and for a moment stood still, not sure what to do next. Pablo hit him again, this time in the solar plexus, winding him as badly as he had done to Chris. Jenkins staggered back, his confidence failing. Something in his head told Pablo to stop, that he had made his point, and that he should sit back down. If he quit now, perhaps everyone would just continue drawing, and he could slip back into his day-one obscurity. But he knew that all eyes were on him, and there was nothing he could do to take that back. And besides, he knew Jenkins would not let this end so easily. With a small hop Pablo pulled his left knee into the air, spun a half-turn, and kicked Jenkins square in the chest with his right. He kicked him harder than he intended, and the bully fell backward, colliding with the edge of a table and knocking over a chair with a loud clatter. If Pablo had been counting, he would have known that seven quick heart beats resounded between the second Jenkins hit the floor, and the moment Ms. Sanadi swung back into the classroom.
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