Monday, September 30, 2019
Western Experience Paper
I am a soldier at the Alamo this would be a pivotal event in the Texas Revolution. This would follow a 13-day siege, Me and my fellow Mexican troops under President General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna launched an assault on the Alamo Mission near San Antonio de Bexar which is now modern-day San Antonio, Texas, USA. All of the Texans defenders were killed. Santa Anna's perceived cruelty during the battle inspired many Texan’s both Texas settlers and adventurers from the United States to join the Texan Army.By a desire for revenge the Texans defeated the Mexican Army at the Battle of San Jacinto, on April 21, 1836, which ending the revolution. Several months previously, Texans had driven all Mexican troops out of Mexican Texas. Approximately 100 Texans were then garrisoned at the Alamo. The Texan force grew slightly with the arrival of reinforcements led by eventual Alamo co-commanders James Bowie and William B. Travis. On February 23, approximately 1,500 Mexican troops marched into San Antonio de Bexar as the first step in a campaign to re-take Texas. For the next 12 days the two armies engaged in several skirmishes with minimal casualties.Aware that his garrison could not withstand an attack by such a large force, Travis wrote multiple letters pleading for more men and supplies, but only fewer than 100 reinforcements would arrive. In the early morning hours of March 6 we would be given orders to advance on the Alamo. After repulsing two attacks, Texans were unable to fend off a third attack. As a Mexican soldier I scaled the walls, most of the Texan soldiers withdrew into interior buildings. Defenders unable to reach these points were slain by the Mexican cavalry as they attempted to escape.Between five and seven Texans may have surrendered if so, they were quickly executed. Most eyewitnesses and myself could remember that between 182 and 257 Texans died, while most historians of the Alamo agree that between 400–600 Mexicans were killed or wounded . Several noncombatants were sent to Gonzales to spread word of the Texan defeat. The news sparked a panic, known as â€Å"The Runaway Scrape†, in which the Texan army, most settlers, and the new Republic of Texas government fled from the advancing Mexican Army. The last of the Texans to die were the 11 men manning the two 12-pounder cannon in the chapel.A shot from the 18-pounder cannon destroyed the barricades at the front of the church, and we entered the building after firing an initial musket volley. Almaron Dickinson's crew fired their cannon from the apse into some of my fellow soldiers at the door, luckily for me I was not at the door at that time but was there some minutes later. With no time to reload, the Texans, including Dickinson, Gregorio Esparza and James Bonham, grabbed rifles and fired before being bayoneted to death, with me bayoneting Bonham. Texan Robert Evans, the master of ordnance, had been tasked with keeping the gunpowder from falling into Mexican ha nds.After being wounded, he crawled toward the powder magazine but was killed by a musket ball with his torch only inches from the powder. Had he succeeded, the blast would have destroyed the church and killed the women and children that were hiding in the sacristy. As soldiers approached the sacristy, one of the young sons of defender Anthony Wolf stood to pull a blanket over his shoulders. In the dark, I and other soldiers mistook him for an adult and killed him, this would be the first time I would kill a child not even certain if my shot would be the fatal shot.Possibly the last Texan to die in battle was Jacob Walker, who attempted to hide behind Susannah Dickinson and was bayoneted in front of the women. Another Texan, Brigido Guerrero, also sought refuge in the sacristy. Guerrero, who had deserted from the Mexican Army in December 1835, was spared after convincing the soldiers he was being held as a Texan prisoner. By 6:30 a. m. the battle for the Alamo was over. We inspected each corpse, bayoneting any body that moved. Even with all of the Texans dead, Mexican soldiers continued to shoot, some killing each other in the confusion.Mexican generals were unable to stop the bloodlust and appealed to Santa Anna for help. Although the general showed up, the violence continued and the buglers were finally ordered to sound a retreat. For 15 minutes after that, soldiers continued to fire into dead bodies. Following the battle, Santa Anna was alternately viewed as a national hero. Mexican perceptions of the battle often mirrored the prevailing viewpoint. Santa Anna had been disgraced following his capture at the Battle of San Jacinto, and many Mexican accounts of the battle were written by men who had been, or had become, his outspoken criticsWithin Mexico, the battle has often been overshadowed by events from the Mexican–American War of 1846–48. In 19th-century Texas, the Alamo complex gradually became known as a battle site rather than a former mi ssion. The Texas Legislature purchased the land and buildings in the early part of the 20th century and designated the Alamo chapel as an official Texas State Shrine. The Alamo is now â€Å"the most popular tourist site in Texas†. After the Mexican-American war I would retire and soon die some six years later, and my story would be told to by my kids to my grandchildren and generations to come.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Internet and Young People Essay
The brains of young people growing up â€Å"hyperconnected†to the Internet might be wired differently from those of their elders, suggests a recent survey of technology experts, who were split on whether the newfangled wiring is desirable. Researchers from the Pew Research Center and Elon University recently conducted an opt-in, nonrandom, online survey of 1,021 technology stakeholders and critics. Participants were asked which of two predictions about teens and young adults seem more likely by 2020â€â€a scenario in which they’re savvy and productive, or one in which they’re hampered by impatience and shallowness. HR professionals might, as a result, have to change the ways in which they manage these younger workers. Some 55 percent of survey participants agreed that the brains of multitasking young people will be wired differently from the brains of those older than 35, mostly for the better. They said young people won’t suffer notable cognitive shortcomings, and that â€Å"they are learning more and they are more adept at finding answers to deep questions,†in part because they’re good at going online and finding collective intelligence. Some 42 percent of survey participants expected brain-wiring changes with negative results, including a thirst for instant gratification. They expect young people will â€Å"not retain information; they spend most of their energy sharing short social messages, being entertained, and being distracted away from deep engagement with people and knowledge. They lack deep-thinking capabilities; they lack face-to-face social skills; [and] they depend in unhealthy ways on the Internet and mobile devices to function.†Even some who chose the positive prediction said it was more their hope than their best guess, â€Å"and a number of people said the true outcome will be a combination of both scenarios,†according to the Pew-Elon survey report, published Feb. 29, 2012. While they were not offered a third option, some participants disagreed with the notion that the wiring of young people’s brains will be different from previous generations’ wiring but thought Millennials’ thinking patterns probably will be. Game Change Teens and adults who grew up playing video games â€Å"will have lasting problems with focus and attention,†futurist author Marcel Bullinga commented in the survey. â€Å"They find distraction while working, distraction while driving [and] distraction while talking to the neighbors. Parents and teachers will have to invest major time and efforts into solving this issue,†he said, by helping young people learn to appreciate quiet contemplation without their mobile devices. â€Å"All in all, I think the negative side effects can be healed,†Bullinga added. Some of those surveyed noted that they themselves, as older adults, have become highly connected to technology, with positive and negative results. Respondents included educators who noted a diminishment of critical thinking skills and attention spans among students. David Ellis, communications studies director at Toronto’s York University, contends that multitasking hinders productivity, even for the very bright. Contrary to popular opinion, he doesn’t see Millennials as effective users of digital tools. â€Å"The idea that Millennials have a cognitive advantage over their elders is based on myths about multitasking, the skill sets of digital natives and 24/7 connectedness,†he commented in the survey. â€Å"Far from having an edge in learning, I see Millennials as increasingly trapped by the imperatives of online socializing and the opportunities offered by their smart phones to communicate from any place, any time.†HR experts already see refreshing and exasperating differences in Millennials in the workplace. â€Å"Millennials are an interesting group of employees†and â€Å"very different†from other generations, said Susan Heathfield, a Michigan-based management consultant and business owner who writes the human resources section for Attachment to technology â€Å"causes them to be on 24/7,†she told SHRM Online, adding that young workers wouldn’t imagine going on vacation without a phone and e-mail access. They’re likely to conduct most business on smart phones, she said. â€Å"It creates this mentality where work and what is not work is flowing together.†For example, she said, an employee might watch the NCAA basketball tournament on a computer at 11 a.m. and answer a colleague’s e-mail at 11 p.m. â€Å"Millennial employees are looking for change and challenge. Boring is bad. They want their tasks changing all the time,†Heathfield said. They want autonomy and reassurance. â€Å"It just blows my mind watching how this batch of employees was raised,†she said. â€Å"They want lots of praise, lots of feedbackâ€â€every day. †¦ If you ignore their ideas, ‘What’s your problem? My ideas are great.’ †Their connectedness can lead to behavior that older colleagues consider rude, like texting during meetings. While Heathfield didn’t want to generalize, she noted that Millennials grew up working in teams and â€Å"they don’t think twice about whether the opinion they express hurts someone else’s feelings. †¦ A Millennial is more likely to say, ‘What a sucky idea,’ and they don’t mean it in an insulting way.†Everyone must adjust in order to become comfortable with generational differences, she said. â€Å"You appreciate these kids with their fresh ideas, their youthful thinking, their sort of ‘I can do anything’ approach to the workplace,†she said. â€Å"They’re like a breath of fresh air in many ways.â€
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Business plan= Open restaurant in Chelsea NY Essay
Business plan= Open restaurant in Chelsea NY - Essay Example Mr. Berkeley Thai Restaurant is a start-up business specializing in thai foods. The business will offer a wide variety of menu items from basic appetizers to more deluxe entrees, ranging from highly affordable to more upscale signature meal selections. Our intended clientelle will consist of the local culture, most suited as a market which actively supports ethnic restaurants, as well as customers in the surrounding areas, including Greenwich Village and Hells Kitchen. Mr. Berkeley will offer a wide variety of menu items which will be designed to cater to the most discriminating customers, as well as providing a relaxed atmosphere for quiet socialization. The hours of operation will be Monday-Sunday, 11am to 11pm. Mr. Berkely will maintain seating for 50 customers. Mr. Berkeley will be established as a sole proprietorship, with WeiChengChien as the primary owner and manager of the restaurant. The company will be established as a sole proprietorship due both to the more convenient ability to terminate the business, if desired, and to offer WeiChengChien full operational control over financial, purchasing, and quality matters. Legal: $1000 - Due to the complexities of paperwork involved in establishing a start up restaurant, Mr. Berkeley will rely on the services of a professional attorney specializing in business matters. These fees are also intended to cover permit (or similar associated fees) as they arise during start-up. Office Supplies: $400 - For all of the companys electronic processing needs, such as credit card paper, printer/computer paper, and company stationary, a projected sum of $400 should adequately cover the business needs. Advertising: $800 - Mr. Berkeley has determined that a modest sum be allocated to initial advertising efforts in the pursuit of establishing name recognition within our local market. Our intial start up advertising campaign will consist of various newspaper advertisements and the distribution of creative flyers which
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Origin Of Islam Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Origin Of Islam - Term Paper Example But, after the death of Muhammed, Allah’s peace be upon him, every revelation were inscribed by the believers on barks, stones, and the modern times writing paper in the hope of passing the teachings on to the subsequent generations. In 1935, the first English translation was attempted bringing more people into the faith. Body Based on the revelation of Allah, praise and glory is only due to Him, in the Qur’an, Islam as the religion of mankind was first taught by Allah, praise and glory is only due to Him, to Adam and Eve, Allah’s peace upon them, with the following words: â€Å"And if as is sure there comes to you guidance from Me, whosoever follows My guidance, on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve†Sii: 38 (Ali, 1935). â€Å"But those who reject Faith and belie Our Signs, they shall be companions of the fire; they shall abide therein†Sii: 39 (Ali, 1935). This marked the beginning of Islam for mankind when men and women were sent down on the surface of the earth. This was after Adam and Eve fell for disobedience. Along the way, generations after generations, not the whole of mankind remembered to pass on the faith to their progenies. Then Abraham, Allah's peace upon him, was born to a family in Ur, Karbala, Iraq. "We gave him Isaac and Jacob: All (three) We guided: and before him, We guided Noah, and among his progeny, David, Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron: Thus do we reward those who do good: And Zachariya and John, and Jesus and Elias: All in the ranks of the righteous: And Ismail and Elisha, and Jonas and Lot; and to all we gave favour above the nations" Sii: 84-86 (Ali, 1935). At about the age of maturity, after a long search for whom to worship, Abraham, Allah's peace upon him, received a revelation from Allah, glory to Him: "And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly Him We chose and rendered pure in this world: and he will be in the hereafter in the ranks of the righteous" Sii: 130 (Ali, 1935). "Behold! His Lord said to him: 'Bow (thy will to me):' He said: I bow (my will) to the Lord and Cherisher of the Universe" Sii: 131(Ali, 1935). "And this was the legacy that Abraham left to his sons, and so did Jacob; 'Oh my sons! God hath chosen the faith for you; then die not except in the Faith of Islam" Sii: 132 (Ali, 1935). The above quotations are the faithful English translation in 1935 of the Arabic Qur'an. The Arabic version was revealed during the time when people were left groping in the dark after about 500 years when Jesus the son of Mary left earth. This exact revelation marked the reappearance of Islam. This was revealed to the prophet Muhammed s.a.w. in 500 A.D.Subsequently, the following revelations confirmed Abraham's leadership of Islam as the religion reappeared guided by Allah s.w.a.: "He said: 'I will make thee an Imam to the nations.' He pleaded: 'And also (Imams) from my offspring!' He answered: 'but My promise is not within the reach of evil-doers.' Sii: 124 (Ali, 1935). Conclusion Islam as a religion of Muslims dates back to the time of the prophets Adam and Eve, Allah's peace upon them, which prominently reappeared during Abraham's civilization unto his progeny. Reference Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. 1935. Qur'an. Beirut, Lebanon: Dar Al Arabia.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Dominican-American Convention analysis Essay
The Dominican-American Convention analysis - Essay Example In analyzing the situation it is clear that in orchestrating the arrangement the U.S. virtually secured its control over the Dominican Republic. Under the receivership agreement customs income would be distributed in the manner established in the â€Å"Modus Vivendi†: 45% for the Dominican government, 5% for the payment of the employees of the customs administration and 50% for the payment of the loan. ( The American-Dominican Convention 3-6) This â€Å"deal,†as we might call it, seems at first glance a win-win for everyone: the U.S., in that it kept European influences at bay, and the Dominicans financially and politically beholding to the U.S. For President Ramon Caceres, seeking to consolidate his power, had three million dollars to spend internally at his discretion, which certainly helped along with the U.S. guarantee for economic and military support to secure his position within the country. From a political point of view it is not surprising that some American Congressman of â€Å"anti-imperialist sentiment†(Roorda 11) would be against the move based on previous attempts to intervene in Dominican politics, as other Dominicans in the past were wary of such a close association on the basis of a weaker state being subsumed by one more powerful. In assessing the ultimate result from a political standpoint, one must see clearly the basis of their objections, since in the end, and under the agreement’s terms, officials of the U.S. War Department sent to the country to monitor its customs operations had war ships at their disposal â€Å"if local events went counter to his [Ceceres] wishes†(Roorda 15). From the main points of the treaty the results are somewhat mixed. Increased pressure was mounting from several European nations for the Dominican to pay its debt in fear of ongoing political instability. (Roorda 13) The U.S. military
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Business Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business Presentation - Essay Example I have set a meeting with the m next week in order for us to discuss my business plan. I believe that the use of meeting as a mode of communication emphasizes my deep respect for the organization. However, recognizing that the CEO and high ranking officials are always preoccupied with important issues in the business organization, I have only limited the meeting to 30 minutes. This way, I will not be taking them too long from their other tasks. My plan is to borrow an amount of $50,000 payable in ten years. I believe that the utmost concern of the investors will be my capability of paying them the quarterly interests and the principal. Secondly, they would also want to be informed where their fund will be utilized. With this, my presentation will focus on the profitability and the operation of my distance learning institution. Since my audience is comprised of individuals who have gained expertise in managing companies, I am compelled to illustrate my business plan through the use of important business concepts. With these crucial considerations, my presentation will be composed of three parts. ... Knowing that they are already familiar with other distance learning start-ups, I will only be focusing on the institutions offering information technology courses. I have already researched information on this and found out that the market for this service is relatively unsaturated with only ten distance learning institutions worldwide. In contrast, individuals seeking IT courses are mounting due to the perceived importance of technology in business organizations. I would want to emphasize that there is a huge opportunity in distance learning industry specifically in information technology courses. I will be presenting the industry growth and the significant trends. In the second part, I will be presenting my business plan to inform them how the business will operate. In order to maximize the time, I will only be presenting the highlights as derived from the executive summary. Special emphasis will be put on the marketing strategy, value chain, customer support, and strategies. I will also stress the difference of my distance learning institution with the other competitors in the industry. As you know, I have looked at the weaknesses of the operation of the current players and based the operation of my institution in them. I believe that this information is very crucial to the audience as I know that they are also contemplating in investing in other distance learning start-ups. Lastly, I will show the financial aspects of the business organization. First, I will determine the resources needed to start the operation including the workforce, equipments, and marketing materials. This is to give them an idea where their investment will be spent. Next, I will be showing my sales and
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Role of Milk-Derived Peptides in Metabolic Syndrome Article - 1
The Role of Milk-Derived Peptides in Metabolic Syndrome - Article Example Several factors have led to increased incidences of metabolic syndrome and they include unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, the obesity epidemic, and tobacco use. Metabolic syndrome (Mets) can be reduced by improving one's diet and this may involve taking low- fat milk and dairy products, high intake of fruits, vegetables and whole grains and reduced intake of meat, sugar, and fat. A change in lifestyle can also lead to a reduction in Mets and it may involve regular physical activity and check on the dietary habits. Several signs serve as indicators of metabolic syndrome and a victim may display several of them. Such as blood pressure exceeding 130/185 mmHg, fasting blood glucose equal or higher than 100mg/dl, large waist circumference (length around the waist) for men 40 inches or more, women 35 inches or more. Triglycerides levels may rise to 150mg/dl or more. Several researchers have reported on the beneficial role of dairy peptides in the prevention of metabolic syndrome and have created much debate with many commercialization of dairy products currently on-going. The aim of this paper is to review the perceived beneficial effects of dairy products in the prevention and treatment of metabolic syndrome and to analyze the known facts and the perceived faults that exist in the role of dairy products in the prevention and treatment of the disease. Bioactive peptides derived from milk have been found to be beneficial in prevention and treatment of MetS. Various mechanisms of managing Mets may include; decreasing body mass, regulating insulin, blood pressure and cholesterol with the ultimate goal of losing 7% -10% of one’s current body weight. If one has impaired fasting glucose tolerance a diet which is rich in fiber and low saturated fat with increased physical exercise can help reduce this. It has been noted that peptides from dairy products are protective in preventing ischemic coronary disease, heart attack, and diabetes.Â
Monday, September 23, 2019
Personal Statement for Admission to Law School Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
For Admission to Law School - Personal Statement Example These words could not better describe the attitudes of my fellow students and peers since the tender age of eleven and throughout my high school period. I studied in predominantly white private institution based in Maryland. I was subjected to numerous racist names like Midnight, Oreo, Double Stuff, Dark Skin just to mention a few. Living in a neighbourhood and attending a school that was far removed from my culture and origin, I started to feel meaningless as my efforts of being accepted with my peers bore no fruit. Normally I neither paid attention to those insults, nor reported them to the responsible administration in order to avoid confrontation. I was to realise later that my desensitization to racist taunting led to shame due to my skin colour. When and how, I wondered, shall I make a distinction according to my worth and accomplishment? When shall I make my stand against such prejudice? The answer came when I had a closer look at New York City and my family heritage. Though I have not visited the city before, I was aware of the reputation of the city as a hub of diversities and a melting pot of all cultures. It is there that someone comes across people of different colours, sexualities, religions and social-economic statuses. The existence and integration of people of different backgrounds in this city further consolidated my belief in working against prejudice and in the service of others. I now realise that I have to act on these convictions, unlike my behaviour at high school. My individuality is described by the following beliefs: to help those that suffer prejudice, those that do not have an opportunity to reach the required level of education enabling them to make a stand, and to help the many that suffer in Africa or some other places. My desire to help people is also fuelled by my family heritage in public service. My father is the direct progeny of Nigerian royalty. Though Nigeria is not controlled by political or royal figures, my family has
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Justice, ethics & morality according to Marx and Nietzsche Research Paper
Justice, ethics & morality according to Marx and Nietzsche - Research Paper Example The current order is bound to change and will ultimately be superseded by new different form of society. Marx proceeds to argue that historical change is not an arbitrary succession; rather it develops through stages and involves progression (Sayers, 2013). Development is divided into several distinct stages or means of production. Feudalism gives way to capitalism which is eventually replaced by socialism. Each stage evolves from the previous form as a higher historical form. Each stage of the process is initially constituent to progressive development and is appropriate for its time relative to the conditions which it supersedes. However, each stage of the process constitutes only a transitory stage that inevitably perishes and is replaced by a higher more developed stage (Sayers, 2013). During the course of development, the favorable conditions for the emergence of the next stage begin to establish themselves within the present. As the process progresses, the present conditions cease to be progressive and become a hindrance to the process of development. This is the basis of Marx’s criticism of capitalism and advocacy for socialism. Marx regards both in historical terms and does not criticize the present on the basis of universal principles, rather it is immanent and relative (Elster, 1985). For instant, relative to feudal conditions from which capitalism evolves, capitalism is viewed as a progressive development. From the perspective of capitalist society, the hierarchical, feudal system with its privileges and restrictions on commerce, and trade is oppressive and unfair. However, as the conditions for a socialist structure takes shape within capitalism, it becomes a hindrance to further development. From the stand point of a higher society, the capitalist system appears to be an impediment to human development and unjustified. This standpoint emerges as the capitalist society develops and is
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Transcendentalism and Emerson Essay Example for Free
Transcendentalism and Emerson Essay * 18th century German philosopher Immanuel Kant * Refers to idea that in determining the ultimate reality of God, the universe, the self, one must transcend or go beyond everyday human experience * Intuition The Transcendental Club * Informal meetings that began in 1836 Concord, Massachusetts. In the home of George Ripley * Discussed theology, philosophy, and literature * Called themselves the Symposium or Hedge * What The Hedge Club Did * Sponsored two major activities * 1 Quarterly called The Dial * Edited by Margaret Fuller. * Also edited by Emerson * Subscription list was very small at the start and diminished until no longer in publication * 2 Brook Farm * Established in 1841 as a utopian community * Failed because a fire destroyed the main building and the thinkers weren’t always willing farmers Romanticism and Transcendentalism * Romanticism * 1. Importance of intuition * 2. Anti-authoritarianism – including a healthy contempt for the past * 3. Love of nature * Interest in social reform * National Literature * Transcendentalism * Heart of the romantic movement. * 1. Believed that an individual relationship with God was personal and was to be established by the individual and not the church * 2. Egalitarian – believing in the dignity of the common person and the common labor * 3. An epistemology – a different way of knowing; receiving higher truths Ralph Waldo Emerson What kind of writer was he? * Not a philosopher (too broad) or essayist (too limited) * He was a POET! A poet whose works were not always in verse * He said he was born a poet of a low class but he was, without doubt, a poet. * â€Å"His singing, he says, is in prose†But he is a perceiver and dear lover of†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ~ R. W. Emerson Bio * Born in Boston in 1803 to a cultured, but a poor family * Came from a long line of ministers * After his father died of TB, His Aunt took control of the family (she was a Calvinist) – Mary Moody Emerson * Entered Harvard at age 14 – graduated * After Harvard took a job as a teacher * Then went to work for his uncle to prepare to be a minister * Became a minister at Boston’s Second Church. * Married his sweetheart Ellen Tucker but she also died of TB * Was devastated and he was having problems with his beliefs so he withdrew from being a minister * Returned to Concord, Massachusetts and married Lydia Jackson Themes, Beliefs, Techniques * Themes: Individuals’ souls were part of a greater entity which he called the â€Å"Over-Soul†* Beliefs: He thought religious truth was an â€Å"intuition†– a very personal relationship with God. Most people lose their sense of wonder and delight, as they grow older. * Techniques: Striking imagery that appeals to senses, aphorisms (express wise observations about life).
Friday, September 20, 2019
Market Mix and Strategy of Mcdonalds India
Market Mix and Strategy of Mcdonalds India McDonalds History: McDonalds was started as a drive-in restaurant by two brothers, Richard and Maurice McDonald in California, US in the year 1937. By mid-1950s, the restaurants revenues had reached $350,000. Ray Kroc, distributor for milkshake machines, expressed interest in the business, and he finalized a deal for franchising with the McDonald brothers in 1954. He established a franchising company, the McDonald System Inc. and appointed franchisees. In 1961, he bought out the McDonald brothers share for $2.7 million and changed the name of the company to McDonalds Corporation. In 1965, McDonalds went public. McDonalds in India: In 1996, first McDonalds restaurant opened on Oct. 13, at Basant Lok, Vasant Vihar, New Delhi. McDonalds India is a 50 50 JV partnership between McDonalds Corporation (U.S.A) and two Indian businessman Amit Jatia (Hardcastle Restaurants Private Limited, Mumbai) and Vikram Bakshi (Connaught Plaza Restaurants Private Limited, Delhi). Approximately 75% of the menu available in McDonalds in India is Indianized and specifically designed to woo Indian customers. The McDonalds philosophy of QSCV is the guiding force behind its service to the customers. MARKETING MIX OF McDonalds: The marketing mix of a company consists of the various elements as follows which form the core of a companys marketing system and hence helps to achieve marketing objectives. McDonalds is a leading international fast food restaurant chain with 30,000 restaurants spread across the globe. In India, it launched its operations in 1996, with two stores. It now has 54 restaurants with a daily inflow of 500,000 customers. It plans to add 15 more outlets by the end of 2004. As per the Informal Eating out (IEO) survey involving the survey of branded food chains in India, conducted by ACNielsen, McDonalds was found to be the leader in fast food chains. Many factors can be attributed to the success of McDonalds Indian operations. A marketing strategy must be created in order to determine the means by which a set of clear objectives may be met. Objectives communicate what marketers want to achieve, guide marketing actions and are used to measure how well a plan is working. They can be related to market share, sales, reaching the target audience and creating awareness in the marketplace. Long-term objectives are broken down into shorter-term measurable targets, which McDonalds uses as milestones along the way. Results can be analyzed regularly to see whether objectives are being met. This type of feedback allows the company to change plans and allows flexibility. Once marketing objectives have been established, the next stage is to define how they will be achieved. The marketing strategy is the statement of how objectives will be delivered. It explains what marketing actions and resources will be used and how they will work together. 4Ps of Marketing Mix: Product: McDonalds places considerable emphasis on developing a menu which customers want. Market research establishes exactly what this is. However, customers requirements change over time. In order to meet these changes, McDonalds has introduced new products and phased out old ones, and will continue to do so. Care is taken not to adversely affect the sales of one choice by introducing a new choice, which will cannibalize sales from the existing one (trade off). McDonalds knows that items on its menu will vary in popularity. Their ability to generate profits will vary at different points in their cycle. In India McDonalds has a diversified product range focusing more on the vegetarian products as most consumers in India are primarily vegetarian. The happy meal for the children is a great seller among others. McDonalds have to be very careful in India while growing their business. In India you go out and you will get a ready to eat snacks and that too in a cheap price. So McDonalds has a direct competition with Indian street fast food which has a many varieties and it is very popular amongst the people. As Fast food industry has been very successful in India, both in financial terms as well as in popularizing its quick service culture among the population. .Indias fast food industry is growing at 40% per annum and generates over Rs. 4800 cores in sales. The multinational segment of the industry generates over Rs. 7000 crores. There are many varieties of fast food in different states of India. The popular fasts of the individual states are as given below. South India: Idlis- Made from Rice Idli, Rava Idli Vadas- Made from Uddina Vada, Rava Vada, Masala Vada, Maddur Vada Dosas- Made from Masala Dosas, Set Dosa, Rava Dosa Upma- Made from Kesaribath Ponagal, etc. West India: Vada Pav-which is also known as an Indian Burger and made up of flour, potatoes, spices . Dahi Vada-Made up of lentils, yogurt Pohe-Made up of flattened rice Locha- Made from grinding of chanadal, masala Sev Kjhamni-Made from chana dal , green chillies, ginger, lemon juice and olive oil East India: Kebabs Pani Puri Aloo Chat Pakoras North India: Chaat: made up of potato, tomato and tangy in a taste Pani Puri: deep fried made up from flour and serve with tangy water Bhel Puri: made up of besan flour and garnishing with tomato, onions and tangy chutney Papadi Chaat- made up of flour, butter, onion, and different Indian spices. McDonalds Menu Options: Comparision between Indian Burger ( Vada Pav ) McDonalds Burger : Price: The customers perception of value is an important determinant of the price charged. Customers draw their own mental picture of what a product is worth. A product is more than a physical item; it also has psychological connotations for the customer. The danger of using low price as a marketing tool is that the customer may feel that quality is being compromised. It is important when deciding on price to be fully aware of the brand and its integrity. In India the most authentic cuisine of India is the Indian street food, which can be bought only for few rupees from the portable stalls found in the Indian cities and town. The street vendors offer hot fresh, lip smacking snacks, which is very feeling. These foods are popular mainly because they are available at half of the price of any restaurant food. Take-out food, junk food, snacks and fast food are available easily and it doesnt take much time to prepare so it is very quick in eating. The Indian Street Food varies from region to region .The typical North Indian street food is Chaat -a generic name for all tangy spicy not very nutritious delicacies. The tangy flavor comes from the use of lemon, pomegranate seeds, black salt, tamarind, and various chutneys. Chaat can be prepared with fruits like guava,banana ,papaya,apple etc.Use of paapri ,which is crisp pancakes made from fried flour with some out of yoghurt ,potatoes sauteed with black cumin powder with some amount of meetha and khatta chutney (sweet and sour pickle) with a dash of coriander becomes the lip smacking Paapri Chaat.The Pani Puri also called golgappa in some places in India is another street delicacy. Pani puris are hollow crisp balls made from dough, and filled as-you-eat with a spicy concoction of water and potatoes, topped by a choice of sweet or spicy chutney and so on. In India in different region has their own different specialties and which are easy to get it and cheap in price. So in India to compete with the Indian local street fast food, McDonalds has to work hard to build its position and keep on competing and growing each day. In India McDonalds classifies its products into 2 categories namely the branded affordability (BA) and branded core value products (BCV). The BCV products mainly include the McVeggie and McChicken burgers that cost Rs 50-60 and the BA products include McAloo tikki and Chicken McGrill burgers which cost Rs 20-3 This has been done to satisfy consumers which different price perceptions. Value Ladder strategy:- a) Started offering value meals in a range of prices. b) Ensure affordability and attract widest section of customers. c) Brought the customer and provided a range of entry level products. d) Try those new items and graduate to higher-rungs. e) E.g- if a customer starts with McAloo Tikki, he will finally graduate to McVeggie and so in Non veg. f) Helped its Volume business. Aap ke zamane mein, baap ke zamane ka daamà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (In English that means in your Value Pricing: (Price in INR) Promotion: The promotions aspect of the marketing mix covers all types of marketing communications One of the methods employed is advertising, Advertising is conducted on TV, radio, in cinema, online, using poster sites and in the press for example in newspapers and magazines. Other promotional methods include sales promotions, point of sale display, merchandising, direct mail, loyalty schemes, door drops, etc. The skill in marketing communications is to develop a campaign which uses several of these methods in a way that provides the most effective results. For example, TV advertising makes people aware of a food item and press advertising provides more detail. This may be supported by in-store promotions to get people to try the product and a collectable promotional device to encourage them to keep on buying the item. At McDonalds the prime focus is on targeting children. In happy meals too which are targeted at children small toys are given along with the meal. Apart from this, various schemes for winning prices by way of lucky draws and also scratch cards are given when an order is placed on the various mean combos. An activity, such as a sale or advertising campaign, designed to increase visibility or sales of a product. McDonalds, for years has maintained an extensive promotion strategy with highest spending on marketing amongst all its competitors. While advertising; focus on overall experience. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Brand globally and act locally. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Overall it is doing what it does the best marketing. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Intensive advertising aimed at children. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Paper mats on trays ensure that no new scheme goes unnoticed. Im loving it is an international branding campaign which was launched in 2003 and has proved to be its biggest success. aap ke zamaane mein baap ke zamaane ke daam is a highly localized campaign which aimed at attracting the masses through its happy price menu. Place: Place, as an element of the marketing mix, is not just about the physical location or distribution points for products. It encompasses the management of a range of processes involved in bringing products to the end consumer. McDonalds outlets are very evenly spread throughout the cities making them very accessible. Drive in and drive through options make McDonalds products further convenient to the consumers. Conclusion Once the marketing strategy is in place, various responsibilities are given to different individuals so that the plan can be implemented. Systems are put in place to obtain market feedback which measure success against short-term targets. McDonalds has to ensure that this is done within the confines of a tightly controlled, finite marketing budget. The fast food industry in India has evolved with the changing lifestyles of the young Indian population. The sheer variety of gastronomic preferences across the regions, hereditary or acquired, has brought about different modules across the country. It may take some time for the local enterprise to mature to the level of international players in the field. McDonald is the worlds leading food service retailer with more than 30,000 restaurants in 119 countries serving 46 million customers each day. Approximately 85 percent of McDonalds restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent, local businessmen and women.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Sex in Reality TV Essay -- Television Media Papers
Sex in Reality TV The Sex Factor on Survivor Survivor, one of the first successful reality shows, is a show that puts a selected group of people in a beautiful setting leaving them to fend for themselves within the two different teams. Every week the two teams compete for rewards and immunity before someone is voted off at the end of each episode. The shows main theme is how the different people interact with one another, and since the theme of the show is outwit, outplay, and outlast there is plenty of drama to go around on the show. After almost ten seasons the show can’t just rely on the same premise that the show has been using for the four years it has been on the air so the producers have to rely on something else, sex. Sex in the promotion, though subtle, is recognizable. For example the attire of the members in the game is very small, with most women in bathing suit tops and the men without shirts. Although the climate the show is placed in is typically very hot, the producers had a hand in choosing it, knowing very well what the contestants would be wearing to stay cool. Also when the show does the casting, very often most of the women and men that are chosen happen to be good looking with great bodies, which could spark nudity. Nudity on the Survivor show started in its first season. Richard Hatch the first winner of Survivor was known for walking around nude during the duration of the first season. In the recent all-stars season he brushed up against Susan, who also came out of the first season show, causing a heating argument between the two â€Å"Sue believed Richard Hatch sexually violated her during an Immunity Challenge†(e.g., Lewis, 2004, 3). In some Survivor promos they advertised the show by showing w... ... turns into ‘The Carnal Camera Show’. The San Diego Union Tribune. Retrieved October 7, 2004, from MTV (August 31, 2004). Real World. 10:00pm-10:30pm. MTV (September 21, 2004). Real World. 10:00pm-10:30pm. MTV (October 19, 2004). Real World. 10:00pm-10:30pm Sex, Money & Videotape (2002 March, 3). from Belle, Laura (2004, 0ct 3) Brigitte's Just Loose! Reality Shack. Retrieved Octover 8, 2004 from Abrego, C. (2004). the show. the surreal life. Retrieved November 3, 2004, from < 2C146010%2C00.htm> WB(Season 2) . the surreal Life . 9/8 C
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Edna’s Search for Solitude in Kate Chopins The Awakening Essay
Edna’s Search for Solitude in Kate Chopin's The Awakening Home from a summer at Grand Isle, separated from the company of an agreeable and, eventually beloved, companion and in the stifling company of a disagreeable, oblivious husband, Edna Pontellier sees her home, her garden, her fashionable neighborhood as "an alien world which had suddenly become antagonistic" (76). When she is left alone in the house, she thrills to the sensation of free time and space, the chance to explore, investigate, to see her house in its own light. To eat in peace without her husband's trifling complaints, to read until sleepy, to rest is a luxury which convention, her husband and her own complicity had denied her. She slept well, "now that her time was her own to do with as she liked" (96). This is but one night in the course of Edna's "awakening," a complicated process that, for better or worse, puts her in control of her own destiny. Ultimately, she will answer to no one but herself. Her path to this point is a complex struggle to carve out the solitude she craves - companionship when and with whom of her choosing. As Edna grows to recognize her own voice, she suffers alternately euphoria, despair and frustration. Her choices develop from a heightened sense of the world around her, of her own preferences and desires. Her experiences, beginning with Robert Lebrun, open her to these sensations, and the sensations provide her with the power to free herself. Looking at examples of Edna's increasingly acute and outward responses to stimuli and her equally willful behavior, her search for solitude evolves as a woman becoming aware of her choices. When Edna hears Mademoiselle Reisz play at Grand Isle, she is prepared to see the music, as she ... ...had overpowered and sought to drag her into the soul's slavery for the rest of her days" (138). The sensations that colored her world and gave her voice also gave her an unquenchable desire for freedom, for choice, for self-determined solitude. Unable to make those whom she loved understand, she makes another choice, and opens herself to another wrap of sensation. Like the man in "Solitude," Edna stands upon the beach naked, surrounded by space and air. But unlike that man, her solitude and exposure are chosen - she is not left behind, she is leaving. The sea holds no boundaries any longer, she is not afraid to leave the shore and she knows she can swim to sea, as far out as it takes to be free. As she swims out, her senses revive in memory of her father and sister's voices and the odor of dianthus; once again she is being lulled, but this time toward a resolution.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Agricultural Policy and the European Union :: Political Politics
Agricultural Policy and the European Union Discuss the relative merits/demerits of an agricultural policy oriented to price reform rather than one based upon structural reorganisation "The common market shall extend to agriculture and trade in agricultural products. 'Agricultural products' means the products of the soil, of stock-farming and of fisheries and products of first-stage processing directly related to these products....The operation and development of the common market for agricultural products must be accompanied by the establishment of a common agricultural policy among the Member States" (1) >From the beginning of the European Union, EU policy has given emphasis to the agricultural sector. To this end, a Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) was established in 1963. (2) Provisions for this policy were made in the Treaty of Rome. The aims of this policy were to increase agricultural productivity, to ensure a fair standard of living for the agricultural community, to stabilise markets and to ensure reasonable prices for the consumer. (3) This is unusual in the context of the Treaty of Rome which provided for free trade and movement of resources. Agriculture was ill-adapted for this approach. Protection was given, not only by customs duties, but also by a variety of agricultural policies. This essay will discuss the merits and demerits of a the pre-1992 CAP with its emphasis on price reform, in comparison with the post-1992 CAP which was oriented to structural reform. It cannot be denied that there were merits of the pre-1992 price reform policy. There was a bountiful food supply with an increased variety and quantity of food. Farmer's yields increased, particularly the large farmers. Producers were protected from the external market due to community preference and, therefore, domestic agriculture could develop. There were also spin offs in food production. Although some of the policies created good returns for farmers, the demerits of said policies far outweighed any advantages they had. The core-periphery divide was widened, quantity became more important than quality and consumers had to pay higher prices. Agricultural practices caused damage to the environment and international trading relations were strained. Until 1993 the EU rarely supported farmers by paying them direct subsidies from the taxpayers. (4) Instead the 30 billion ECU (and often more) was spent in the buying up of surplus commodities at minimum official prices and was also used to pay subsidies to traders to sell surpluses on the lower-priced world markets. (5) During the 1960's the price system was devised. The first problem with price policies is that of fluctuating and differing exchange rates. "Green Money" was the first solution to be developed to counter the problem of differing exchange rates.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Isp – Internet Service Provider
Internet service provider * ISP (Internet service provider) * Regional ISPs provide Internet access to a specific geographical area * National ISPs provide Internet access in cities and towns nationwide * Online service provider (OSP) * Has many members-only features * Popular OSPs include AOL (America Online) and MSN (Microsoft Network) * Wireless Internet service provider (WISP) * Provides wireless Internet access to computers and mobile devices * May require a wireless modem An Internet service provider (ISP) is a company that provides access to the Internet. Access ISPs directly connect customers to the Internet using copper wires, wireless or fiber-optic connections. [1] Hosting ISPs lease server space for smaller businesses and host other people servers (colocation). Transit ISPs provide large amounts of bandwidth for connecting hosting ISPs to access ISPs. [2] Internet connectivity options from end-user to Tier 3/2 ISPs * | History The Internet started off as a closed network between government research laboratories and relevant parts of universities. As it became more popular, universities and colleges started giving more of their members access to it. As a result of its popularity, commercial Internet service providers sprang up to offer access to the Internet to anyone willing to pay for the service, mainly to those who missed their university accounts. In 1990, Brookline, Massachusetts-based The World became the first commercial ISP. [3] Access provider ISPs employ a range of technologies to enable consumers to connect to their network. For users and small businesses, traditional options include: dial-up, DSL (typically Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, ADSL), broadband wireless, cable modem, fiber to the premises (FTTH), and Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) (typically basic rate interface). For customers with more demanding requirements, such as medium-to-large businesses, or other ISPs, DSL (often Single-Pair High-speed Digital Subscriber Line or ADSL), Ethernet, Metropolythian Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, Frame Relay, ISDN (B. R. I. or P. R. I. ), ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) and upload satellite Internet access. Sync-optical cabling (SONET) are more likely to be used. [citation needed] Typical home user connectivity * Broadband wireless access * Cable Internet * Dial-up * ISDN * Modem * DSL * FTTH * Wi-Fi Business-type connection: * DSL * Metro Ethernet technology * Leased line * SHDSL Locality When using a dial-up or ISDN connection method, the ISP cannot determine the caller's physical location to more detail than using the number transmitted using an appropriate form of Caller ID; it is entirely possible to e. g. connect to an ISP located in Mexico from the USA. Other means of connection such as cable or DSL require a fixed registered connection node, usually associated at the ISP with a physical address. Mailbox provider A company or organization that provides email mailbox hosting services for end users and/or organizations. Many Mailbox Providers are also Access Providers. Hosting ISPs Hosting ISPs routinely provide email, FTP, and web-hosting services. Other services include virtual machines, clouds, or entire physical servers where customers can run their own custom software. Transit ISPs Just as their customers pay them for Internet access, ISPs themselves pay upstream ISPs for Internet access. An upstream ISP usually has a larger network than the contracting ISP and/or is able to provide the contracting ISP with access to parts of the Internet the contracting ISP by itself has no access to. In the simplest case, a single connection is established to an upstream ISP and is used to transmit data to or from areas of the Internet beyond the home network; this mode of interconnection is often cascaded multiple times until reaching a Tier 1 carrier. In reality, the situation is often more complex. ISPs with more than one point of presence (PoP) may have separate connections to an upstream ISP at multiple PoPs, or they may be customers of multiple upstream ISPs and may have connections to each one of them at one or more point of presence. Peering Main article: Peering ISPs may engage in peering, where multiple ISPs interconnect at peering points or Internet exchange points (IXs), allowing routing of data between each network, without charging one another for the data transmittedâ€â€data that would otherwise have passed through a third upstream ISP, incurring charges from the upstream ISP. ISPs requiring no upstream and having only customers (end customers and/or peer ISPs) are called Tier 1 ISPs. Network hardware, software and specifications, as well as the expertise of network management personnel are important in ensuring that data follows the most efficient route, and upstream connections work reliably. A tradeoff between cost and efficiency is possible. Derivatives The following are not a different type of the above ISPs, rather they are derivatives of the 3 core ISP types. A VISP is reselling either access or hosting services. Free ISPs are similar, but they just have a different revenue model. Virtual ISP Main article: Virtual ISP A Virtual ISP (VISP) is an operation which purchases services from another ISP (sometimes called a â€Å"wholesale ISP†in this context)[4] which allow the VISP's customers to access the Internet using services and infrastructure owned and operated by the wholesale ISP. Free ISP Free ISPs are Internet Service Providers (ISPs) which provide service free of charge. Many free ISPs display advertisements while the user is connected; like commercial television, in a sense they are selling the users' attention to the advertiser. Other free ISPs, often called freenets, are run on a nonprofit basis, usually with volunteer staff. Related services * Broadband Internet access * Fixed wireless access * Cable * Triple play * Internet hosting service * Web hosting service * E-mail hosting service * DNS hosting service * Dynamic DNS
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Revenge Cycle
Revenge has the definition of taking vengeance for injuries or wrongs; retaliation. In the Hamlet, the main theme is that when people follow plans of revenge, it leads to tragedy. Throughout the play, several different people want to take revenge on somebody. Hamlet is a main character who is being asked to take revenge on his uncle to fulfill his duty as a son. Hamlet by William Shakespeare is a revenge tragedy because Laertes and Fortinbras and Hamlet seek to avenge a family death, in most cases the death of their father and in all but one case leads to their own tragic death. Hamlet’s revenge for his father leads to his own death at the end. Hamlet’s father, the old king Hamlet appeared in the form of the ghost in the beginning of the play. The ghost told Hamlet that his father had been killed by the current king who is the uncle of Hamlet, the current husband of Hamlet’s mother. Believe it or not every ghost in the world can only have the same action, revenge. â€Å"You can never know with certainty which ghost is addressing whom. It is one and the same thing for Hamlet to question his own identity and to question the ghost’s identity, and his authority†(Girard 3). The prince of Denmark, Hamlet, wants to avenge the current King of Denmark, his uncle, who killed Hamlet’s father, the old King, in order to take the crown and marry Hamlet’s mother. When trying to revenge his father by killing his Uncle, Hamlet accidentally kills Polonius, the father of Hamlet’s friend Laertes and his beloved Ophelia. In the process of revenging his father, Hamlet in some way caused the death of many innocent people. Hamlet, again, is less remorseful about killing Polonius than annoyed with Polonius for not being Claudius, and seems genuinely bewildered that Laertes should be hostile to him†(Frye 3). With the tragic loss of her father, as well as her recent messiness of her relationship with Hamlet, Ophelia becomes insane and committed suicide by drowning herself. Now, Laertes wants revenge for his father and sister during a fencing game by poisoning the tip of the sword. If that does not work, King Claudius will have a glass of wine with poison in it that Hamlet would drink from. Laertes goes mad in a different fashion and becomes the model of the kind of revenger that Hamlet so disdains†(Rose 5). Laertes kills Hamlet successfully but Hamlet’s mother dies accidentally by drinking the poisoned wine. â€Å"The drink, the drink. Oh, I’m poisoned†(5. 2 45-52). And Hamlet finally fulfills the ghost’s quest and killed Claudius, the murderer of his father. Hamlet himself dies at the end. There is still a son seeking revenge for his father that we might forget. The young Fortinbras of Norway is secretly planning to invade Denmark. The tragedy that the old king caused was when he killed Old Norway in during the war. Denmark and Norway has been in war when old Hamlet is still alive, the old king killed old Fortinbras and took over some of Norway’s land. â€Å"The old Hamlet, the murderer himself, in the various sources of the play there may be indications to that essect, but Shakespeare would have omitted them if he had wanted to strengthen the case for revenge†. (Girard 3) Young Fortinbras is seeking revenge for his father’s death and the loss of his country. By the time the army of Norway arrives Denmark, everyone in the palace dies except Horatio. Young Fortinbras becomes the king of Denmark and fulfills his duty to avenge his father’s death as well. Although all the revengers took their action of seeking vengeance for their father, the only difference is that both Laertes and Young Fortinbras is that Hamlet didn’t take revenge when he had chance. Instead, he waited and waited and losing his better chances to kill Claudius. Hamlet is a revenge tragedy, but let’s rather calls it a revenge cycle. Polonius, murdered by Hamlet by accident and avenged by his son. Hamlet’s father, murdered by King Claudius and avenged by his son as well. This comes again in the story of the old Fortinbras and the young Frotinbras of Norway, the father slain by Hamlet’s father during the war. The son achieved a successful revenge by taking the throne of Denmark. Hamlet by William Shakespeare is a revenge tragedy because most of the characters in the play try to seek revenge on someone and leads to all the deaths except one case.
Business Ethics Tyco International Essay
Description of Organization and Product Tyco International Ltd. is a corporation with official headquarters based in Pembroke, Bermuda but the company maintains operational headquarters in Princeton, New Jersey. Tyco has grown into a multi-billion dollar company (scattered in over 100 countries)  with revenue of $41.0 billion USD (2006) to boast. Founded in 1960 by Arthur J. Rosenberg, Tyco was birthed when Rosenberg opened a laboratory intended for research and experimental works catered for government use. Incorporated by 1962 as Tyco Laboratories, it shifted its focus to developing scientific materials as well as energy conversion products, which now caters for the commercial sector. Tyco is a manufacturing and service conglomerate which is involved in a variety of products ranging from electronics, fire and security services, healthcare, aerospace, and some industrial products. For instance, its passive and active electronic components are found in computers, aerospace, automobiles, industrial machines, and household appliances among others. Under its fire protection and electronic security operations, it is responsible for designing, manufacturing, and installing products as well as providing services in these areas. Part of Tyco’s Healthcare business involves medical, pharmaceutical, surgical, imaging, and respiratory products. The company also manufactures industrial valves, and fire sprinklers thereby giving services in residential and industrial settings (â€Å"Tyco: Our Business†). It also provides services  consultation on engineering and construction management, including operating services. Through one of its subsidies, the company also has an integrated system used for the tracking and controlling public transportation system, tunnels, and bridges. Furthermore, Tyco is involved in the monitoring of systems of burglar & fire alarms, and on medical alert systems where 24-hour monitoring and response is necessary. Tyco is also engaged in buying steel and resin in the United States, as well as copper, gold, zinc, brass, paper, ink, cotton, wax, chemicals and additives. Other products purchased by the group are foil, copper clad materials, adhesives, and cloth. As of 2005, Tyco is responsible for employing about 247,900 people in its company (â€Å"Company Research: Tyco International Ltd.†). Tyco’s phenomenal growth can be traced back in the late 1980s when the company engaged in a number of acquisitions in some major companies such as ADT, Siemens Electrochemical Components, Thorn Security, and Mueller Company. But it was not until the 1990s and the subsequent years that Tyco became more aggressive in its acquisition strategy under Dennis Kozlowski as CEO. In a span of about eleven years (from 1991 to 2001), Tyco has reportedly acquired 1000 other companies. It was in 1997 that Tyco made the controversial shift of headquarters from Massachusetts to Bermuda, after the company’s acquisition of ADT.  ADT Limited has its origins which can be traced way back in the 1900s in the United Kingdom and by 1980s was restructured under the laws of Bermuda. Although part of the merger, since ADT was incorporated in Bermuda, it was still perceived as a shrewd move to avoid taxes. Shareholder and investors were later informed of this tax advantage. A partial list of Tyco’s products and its brands: AMP for its electronic components and cables RAYCHEM for circuit protection devices Ansul, Total Weather, Skum & Sabo for fire fighting products Kendall, Monoject, Shiley for medical supplies Simplex Grinnell, Wormald for fire sprinklers OpenSky and EDACS for critical communications systems Violation / People Involved            During the 1990s, the company continued to show a stable and steady rise in income. But by 1999, rumors of accounting irregularities began to leak with charges directed against Tyco’s top executives: Dennis Kozlowski (former chairman and chief executive), Mark H. Swartz (former chief financial officer), and Mark Belnick (former general counsel). These accusations were vehemently denied by the company’s leadership.            It was not until January of 2002 that prosecutors found Kozlowski guilty of tax evasion for his art purchases. Investigators later followed a trail of lavish expenditures, thereby making Kozlowski’s tax evasion scheme a mere ‘tip of the iceberg’.            Eight months later, these three men were arrested and tried before the New York State Supreme Court. Kozlowski and Swartz were charged of robbing the company of about $600 million with the aid of Belnick. They were found guilty of treating Tyco as a personal bank account, stealing worth of $170 million through company loans and $430 million worth of fraudulent sales of securities without the company’s shareholders knowledge (â€Å"Three Tyco Execs Indicted for Fraud†). Kozlowski was found guilty of masterminding a series of ethical violations, by misusing corporate funds for relocation and executive loan programs. Since 1996 up to 2002, these two men awarded themselves hundreds of millions of dollars with low or no-interest loans usually from Tyco’s Key Employee Corporate Loan Program (KELP). The company explicitly defined the purpose of the program. Tyco’s KELP was designed to provide loan assistance for Tyco key employees to pay their taxes when investing upon Tyco’s common stock. Of the $270 million that Kozlowski took through KELP loans (from 1997 to 2002), about $29,000,000 only were used for taxes because of the result of the vesting of Tyco stock. The rest of the money were improperly used for self-serving interests such as acquiring luxury apartments and estates, expensive artworks, estate jewelry, a yacht, and spending about $100 million for a lavish party for his second wife. Also, Kozlowski is now notoriously known for owning a gold-laced shower curtain worth $6,000  a picture for his lavish lifestyle. He also used KELP funds to finance his own personal investments and other business ventures, deliberately violating the program’s purpose. Swartz also misappropriated about $85,000,000 dollars from the company’s KELP loans during these same periods. Following from Kozlowski’s example, he too appropriated only about $13,000,000 dollars to cover taxes as a result from the vesting of Tyco stock. Swartz misappropriated the remaining $72,000,000 dollars for self-serving purposes such as financing his own business investments, and the purchasing of real estate holdings and trusts. Kozlowski and Swartz were also guilty of deceitful acts by deliberately failing to disclose in their annual Director & Officer Questionnaire (â€Å"D&O Questionnaire†), which are given to Tyco’s senior executives, the information of these loans  much less the manner of which how these KELP loans were used. Tyco’s shareholders were deceived by Kozlowski and Swartz’s failure to reveal these important facts on the company’s Form 10-K and proxy statements. The company also has a relocation loan program since 1995, to give assistance to its employees who were affected when it moved its offices to New York City from New Hampshire and later to Florida. Kozlowski and Swartz also enriched themselves by availing of relocation loans and spending it for purposes not covered by the program. Of the $46,000,000 dollars which Kozlowski amassed from the relocation loan, $18,000,000 was spent to buy a waterfront compound in Boca Raton and an estimated $7,000,000 Park Avenue apartment for his previous wife. Swartz spent $6,500,000 to purchase an apartment on New York City’s Upper East Side; $17 M for a waterfront compound also in Boca Raton; and the rest of the funds were used in purposes not authorized by the program. They were also accountable for repeatedly classifying and reclassifying their debts to the company, and even moving on to authorizing transactions by which their millions of dollars of KELP and relocation loans were forgiven and written off the company’s books. They also instructed others to falsify the company’s books and records in order to conceal these violations. Swartz also enriched himself by selling his New Hampshire real estate to a Tyco subsidiary for $305,000, but in which the Tyco subsidiary sold it at a far lower price about two years later from its purchase. Swartz purposely did not disclose this transaction from Tyco’s investors. Both Kozlowski and Swartz abused company perquisites from Tyco  such as causing the company to purchase luxurious apartments and stay in it rent-free and made use of Tyco corporate aircraft in purposes unrelated to the company’s business. The former CEO also misused Tyco’s funds by releasing large amounts of charitable donations in his own name, and all the while failed to disclose and report these facts to investors, as mandated by the federal securities laws. While possessing material information, Swartz engaged in fraudulent sales of Tyco stocks through family business partnerships. Both men lied to Tyco’s auditors by signing management representation letters which avowed the absence of fraudulent acts from significant employees involved in Tyco’s internal control. Belnick, Tyco’s former chief legal officer, amassed millions of dollars from Tyco through similar violations committed by Kozlowski and Swartz (T Newkirk, J Coffman, R Kaplan, D Frohlich, and J Weiner. U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission). Explanation of the Outcome            The two former top Tyco executives received 8 1/3 to 25 years of prison-sentence after being tried before a New York state court, after it’s first resulted in a mistrial. They were found guilty of siphoning and misappropriating company funds during their stint as Tyco’s top executives. This was considered as one of the biggest ethical violations in a series of white-collar crimes that has tainted and eroded public confidence in the US corporate landscape. As a result, Kozlowski and Swartz served their terms in New York state prison, a case which differs greatly from other convicted corporate executives.            Other convicted corporate executives such as Adelphia’s John Rigas, or Martha Stewart served their prison sentences in a federal prison. Often dubbed as â€Å"Club Feds†or â€Å"Camp Cupcake†, federal prison conditions could appear like a ‘boarding school’ â€â€- there are no bars and some are even offering facilities like tennis courts.            In stark contrast, state prison do not offer such ‘luxuries’ and the gravest issue could boil down even to the inmate’s safety. It usually houses criminals convicted of rape, murder and other violent offenses â€â€- one reason which explains its unsafe condition and which makes tight security a necessity.            While others may see this conviction too harsh for a white-collar crime, Kozlowski and Swartz cannot escape their fate since their case began as a state investigation for trying to evade about $1,000,000 dollars worth of tax payment for acquiring expensive artworks by Renoir, Monet and other celebrated painters.            Also, this has come upon the government’s stand of placing stricter measures on its effort of cracking down corruption in the corporate scene (K. Crawford. â€Å"For Kozlowski, An Especially Grim Future†).            According to a former SEC prosecutor, the sentences for white-collar criminals are getting tougher and judges’ former tendency to give them milder treatment is fast disappearing. While Kozlowski is credited for building up Tyco’s multi-billion dollar industrial empire, which used to give an impressive and illustrious career  rising from being an ordinary employee to become Tyco’s chief executive officer, his crime is also credited as the grandest (so far) in scale and amount of thievery in corporate history.            While some would protest about the usefulness of long prison sentences given to white-collar criminals, especially when they are towards the age of retirement. However, there is an inescapable trend among state and federal courts to give longer years of prison-conviction. Whereas in the early 1990s, when such crimes were new and few, a certain convicted salesman received eight years reduction in his 10-year term, an equivalent of 22 months in jail (L. Lazaroff. â€Å"Ex-Tyco Executives Get Up To 25 Years: Kozlowski, Swartz also to pay millions in restitution, fines†). Kozlowski is serving his prison sentence at Midstate Correctional Facility in Marcy, N.Y., located outside of Syracuse of N.Y.            Clearly, there has been a great shift of change. Opinion of the Outcome            In the aftermath of the Enron, Adelphia, Tyco and other high profile business scandals which prove that ethical violations can pose a serious and costly risk for a business entity’s ability to grow or thrive. As demonstrated by Kozlowski, Swartz and Belnick â€â€- the collapse of integrity could cost hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars for its company to cover extra expenses such as litigation, fines, damage of company reputation, subsequent loss of client’s trust, decline in sales, and the process for damage-control.            While this indictment against Kozlowski and his accomplices seem severe when it received as much punishment as those who commit violent crimes, but given the substantial amount stolen, the consequent loss of wealth due to erosion of public trust, and costly lawsuits  the benefits of giving such harsh convictions would serve as a deterrent for future losses. It is also the government’s responsibility to restore confidence among investors towards corporate entities in order for these institutions to survive.            Kozlowski’s shot for â€Å"dizzying success†(even using fraudulent and criminal means) was fed in part by Wall Street’s hero worship of ‘rock star’ CEOs. However, in light of a string of corporate scandals, leaders must be emulated for their ability to ‘shepherd’ their company and provide examples of living up to ethical standards themselves.            This outcome also brings the much needed transformation on government (such as the Sarbeans-Oxley Act) and company policies pertaining to how business is conducted by those who serve them. While most of the focus is on the violators, the rippling effects of such crimes could threaten the financial security of millions of the company’s employees and their families.            Companies, in lieu of the scandal, have now placed greater importance of training its employees to make ethical decisions which would cultivate a corporate culture founded on trust and integrity.            This case also helped to strengthen greater consciousness for the need to fight corruption in a global scale. The United Nations signed a new treaty in its bid to fight corruption worldwide. This covers not only government officials but is applied to the private sector as well (â€Å"United Nations Convention Against Corruption†). The Organization Today            Rebounding from the moral crises that swept its top executives, along with other companies, there has been greater commitment for transparency among the new management performers in Tyco and other companies. These are corporate leaders who have built a track record of excellent performance and who have been practicing high ethical standards. All efforts are geared toward rebuilding the company’s reputation, public and investor’s trust.            When Edward D. Breen became Tyco’s new CEO in July 2002, he took a bold step in his sweeping reform to re-establish credibility and faith to the company, which included firing the Board of Directors that hired him. Of the 500 employees in Tyco’s Princeton, N.J. headquarters, as much as 480 are newly hired since Breen breezed in to Tyco’s management scene.            Although at first, Breen found the company in confusion, low morale among its employees, and about to face a cash shortage because of an $11 billion debt due a year after, Tyco has a good foundation due to Tyco’s acquisition of a number of stable businesses (S. Lohr. â€Å"New Strategies Changing Face of Corporate Scandal†). This separates Tyco from much of the companies who suffered the same fate from dishonest dealings by its top executives most of which filed for bankruptcy. Tyco was able to recover from the crisis.            According to a public announcement made last January 13, 2006, Tyco International is divided into three business segments: Tyco Healthcare, Tyco Electronics, and Tyco Fire & Security, and Tyco Engineered Products & Services (TFS/TEPS). Each has operations separate from each other and possesses their own set of board of directors, executives, and financial structure. By February 6, 2007, Tyco has revenue of $41 billion and currently employing about 250,000 people in different countries.            Despite being in the process of splitting into three major companies, Tyco International Ltd. still saw an increase of net earnings of up to 43 % or a profit rise of about $793 million due to great demand especially for its electronics and security devices. Company profit taken from continuing operations is up on 37 cents per share – a performance which proved better than Wall’s Street’s forecasts.            Among Tyco’s four divisions, three reported an increase in sales and better operating profits for the first quarter of this year; with its heal-care the only segment which handed in a lower yield in profit due to the company’s restructuring measures.            Tyco is preparing to push on its health-care and electronics divisions by the second quarter. It is gearing up for more aggressive measures as it sees a favorable global economic environment for this year, being optimistic to avail a rise of 6 to 7 percent in sales.            Tyco’s shares have even achieved more than 30% over the previous year, twice than the rise of Standard & Poor’s 500 index. Another measure of its success- Tyco’s stock price rose to $33.21 on the New York Stock Exchange from its $8 value just right after the scandal (â€Å"Tyco’s Net Earnings Jump 43%†). References:  â€Å"Tyco: Our Business†. â€Å"Company Research: Tyco International Ltd.†. The New York Times. February 16, 2007. â€Å"Three Tyco Execs Indicted for Fraud†. Newkirk T, Coffman J, Kaplan R, Frohlich D, Weiner J. S. Securities and Exchange Commission. 17722.htm Crawford, K. â€Å"For Kozlowski, An Especially Grim Future†. Lazaroff, Leon. â€Å"Ex-Tyco Executives Get Up To 25 Years: Kozlowski, Swartz also to pay millions in restitution, fines. Chicago Tribune. September 20, 2005. â€Å"United Nations Convention Against Corruption†. Lohr, S. â€Å"New Strategies Changing Face of Corporate Scandal†. New York Times News Service. June 4, 2005. â€Å"Tyco’s Net Earnings Jump 43%†. February 6, 2007.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
TLE cooking session
Follow the instructions of the teacher. 2. Stay with your group and avoid going to the other groups. 3. Assign each task to every member. 4. Prepare the materials and ingredients needed. 5. Wash your hands before cooking. 6. Wear apron and for the girls, they should tie their hair. 7. Handle the sharp materials with care to avoid accidents. 8. Clean your place after cooking. 9. use the materials according to Its functions. 10. Turn off faucets and stoves when not used.TOCINO Ingredients: 3 lbs boneless pork shoulder rost cup lemon-lime soda (sprite or 7 up) 1/3 cup of soy sauce 2 cups brown sugar 1 h cups pineapple juice h ketchup 1 tablespoon garlic, minced 2 tablespoons of salt 1 teaspoon of black pepper Procedures: 1 . Cut h Inch slices of pork shoulder and place In a one gallon zip-lock plastic bag. 2. In a separate bowl, mix the rest of the ingredients and then add to the meat. Seal the bag, while trying to remove excess air. Let the pork cure Inside the refrigerator for 4-5 day s, turning the bag over every day. . After curing, you can either cook the meat or portion them off Into smaller bags and freeze. 4. To cook the Toclno, add a little water, marinade and a few slices of meat to a skillet. Over medium heat, let the liquid boll off and then fry the meat for a couple of minutes to carmellze It. Make sure not to burn the meat. PICKLED VEGGIES WITH CHILLIES white radish 3 carrots 3 chillies 2 cups vinegar sugar 1. 1 lbs salt 1 OF2 1 . Slice the carrots and radish vertically. (finger size) 2. Slice the chillies diagonally. 3.Put all the vegetable in a container. 4. Add some salt and leave it for 5 minutes. 5. Squeeze the vegetables to release its mixtures. 6. Rinse it with water. 7. Put sugar and boil it. 8. Cool it off for 5 minutes. MANGO JAM Mango ascorbic acid water 1. Prepare the materials and the ingredients. 2. Slice the Mango. 3. Mix the Mango, sugar, and water. 4. After mixing, boil it and add 2 tablespoons of ascorbic acid. 5. Mix it until it bec omes sticky and golden brown. 6. After 20-15 minutes, get it and it is ready to serve.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Environmental Studies - Global Warming Research Paper
Environmental Studies - Global Warming - Research Paper Example However, the aspect that cannot be disputed is that these human induced advancements, inventions and discoveries are happening at the cost of earth’s environment. Yes, technological advancements and industrial revolution, initiated by the men, have led to an increase in emission of greenhouse gases, burning of fossil fuels and that eventually led to global warming. Global Warming refers to rise in earth’s temperature due to the emission of green house gases, deforestation and burning of fossil fuels. It is no doubt that Earth is warming faster than ever before in history. The increasing temperature is, however, thought to come about because of the various human activities. However, at the same time, there is a view that global warming is a naturally occurring phenomenon, and the human activities in quest of development and comfort do not contribute to it. Thus, this paper even while discussing whether global warming is due to human actions or whether they do not contrib ute maximally to it, will take a concluding stance that it is human-induced. Background Earth’s temperatures depend on the balance between input of the sun and terrestrial radiation or its loss back into the atmosphere. There are gases that are critical when it comes to the balance of that temperature. This group of gases has a common name: greenhouse gases. Energy from the sun is in the form of shortwave radiation. Approximately, a third of the solar radiation that hits earth’s surface gets reflected back into the atmosphere. The remaining radiation is absorbed mainly by land and oceans. This, therefore, results into an increase in the warming of the earth’s surface. The surface subsequently emits long-wave radiation. At this point, if there are greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, the radiation is trapped, thereby, warming the atmosphere. The gases form a blanket on earth thus increasing the temperatures by 35 degrees (Theodore, 2004). Role of human induced Gre enhouse gases in global warming Scientists believe that human activities have a direct impact on the increased levels of greenhouse gases on the earth surface. Global warming occurs because of the massive greenhouse gases, for instance, carbon dioxide and methane. Human activities are the main cause of the increase in green house gases. Global warming is characterized by rise in sea levels, melting of glaciers and ice caps, change in climatic conditions and rainfall patterns, etc. For the last 20 million years, research has it that burning of fuels has tremendously given rise to high carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere. A recent report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows that there is a vivid evidence for 0.6 degrees Celsius increase in global temperatures and about 20cm rise in the general sea level. In addition, sea ice thickness in Arctic Ocean has gone down by approximately 40% (Theodore, 2004). Mountains, on the other hand, are also recording the fastest ever experienced glacier melting rate. In North Atlantic region, there has been a constant rise in storm activities, drought, and floods. Prediction made by IPCC suggests that by 2100, there shall be arise in global temperatures by 5.4 degrees Celsius (Theodore, 2004). Generation of Greenhouse Gases has increased due to Human activities A simple way to prove Global Warming is happening and real is to refer to the earth’s temperature database of the previous years and compare the same with the current
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Two kinds by Amy Tan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Two kinds by Amy Tan - Essay Example She struggles to mould her daughter into fame but her efforts fail as her daughter is rebellious and lacks interest in her mother’s initiatives. The narrator however believes that she can only be her personality and not her mother’s dreams (Tan 132- 143). The narrator and her mother have a strained relationship that exists in two scopes, maternal and mentorship scopes, and identifies their conflict. The narrator’s mother plays her parental role of establishing a basis for her child’s future but the narrator does not appreciate her mother’s efforts. She instead believes that she can only be herself and is rebellious to her mother’s initiatives. At the peak of their conflict, her mother hints to the possibility of a worse interpersonal relationship when she explains that there are â€Å"only two kinds of daughters,†â€Å"those who are obedient and those who follow their mind†(Tan 142). She then declares that Jing, the narrator, can only live in the house if she is obedient and Jing regrets, in her mother’s face, being her daughter. The narrator’s strained relationship with her mother is further identifiable in her domestic orientation in which she does not help her parents when called upon to do domestic chores, a behavior that her mother identifies as a problem (Tan 132- 143). The narrator also identifies a poor relationship with her mother in the mentorship role. She does not appreciate her mother’s ideas and even though she communicates her feelings and attitudes, her mother ignores these and insists that Jing must follow her path to success. This generates a conflict that the two characters fail to resolve amicably (Tan 142). The strained relationship between the narrator and her mother develops from the mother’s high expectations in her daughter and her desire that the child attain fame. The mother’s strong belief that all achievements are
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Judgment Heuristic and Biases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Judgment Heuristic and Biases - Essay Example These heuristics are very useful but at times can leads to severe and systematic errors. ( Harding,707 and Tversky, Kahneman,1124) In case of representative heuristics (Tversky and Kahneman, 1126), the likelihood of an event is judged based upon the extent to which it represents the essential features of the parent population or the generating process. Representative heuristic is generally used by people to make judgment or impression about someone or something. (Koning, 1) The relative frequency of an event often depends on the availability or accessability of the object or the event under perception memory or construction of imagination. This is availability heuristics. (Garns, 1) A bias is any of a wide range of observer effects identified in cognitive science and social psychology including very basic statistical, social attribution, and memory errors that are common to all human beings. Biases drastically skew the reliability of anecdotal and legal evidence. (Doughert and Franco-Watkins, 23) For example, the apparent distance of an object is determined in part by its clarity. The more sharply the object is seen, the closer it appears to be.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Foreign investment decisions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Foreign investment decisions - Essay Example One specific example of this occurs in the Latin America and Caribbean-OECD Investment Initiative. It’s noted that this initiative aims to, â€Å"increase the contribution of private investment to economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean†("Latin america and," 2011). This demonstrates that significant sums are being invested in this developing region through private infrastructure projects. Still, another prominent area where money from industrialized regions are entering emerging markets can be witnessed in investment opportunities offered by major banking entities. One of the predominant examples in this context occurs as the European Bank for Reconstruction offers an opportunity for individuals to invest in a number of potential emerging markets ("Introducing three new," 2011). There is a distinction between less developed and emerging markets. In this context of understanding, it’s noted that emerging markets are those that demonstrate a level of advancement in their economic structure throughout a variety of barometers. Conversely, less developed regions are those that have not yet achieve these stages of economic
Monday, September 9, 2019
Popular Culture (2-3) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Popular Culture (2-3) - Research Paper Example Myths continue to be told today and they are still part of the so called Modern world. The most important Myth that is currently on the minds is the 21st December 2012 Myth. No doubt that this topic is of huge interest to everybody and hence a huge amount of money is being generated by exploiting this interest. December 21st 2012 has been declared as a Doomsday in the Mayan calendar (â€Å"December†n.d. Para 1). Today we undoubtedly see wars, natural calamities, and destruction. Some say that these are the dark times and that these days were prophesied long ago in the Bible, the temples of Rome and the Pyramids of the ancient Maya. The newest version of the Doomsday prophecy comes from the Web.Bot project (â€Å"The web†n.d. Para 8 ). According to the Web.Bot the series of catastrophes reach their peak in the year 2010. What causes us to think more on this Myth or the Prophecy is the surprising similarities in the predictions. The Mayan Calendar: The Mayan calendar ceases to exist after December 21, 2012 (â€Å"2012†n.d. Para 5). The Mayans believed that history consisted of five ages and that each ends in a disaster before the world is reborn. And as per their calendar, we are living in the fifth and the final age which is due to end in December 2012. (D 2012: n.d.) Planet X or the Planet Nibiru: It is claimed that a certain planet Nibiru supposedly discovered by the Sumerians, is headed for the earth and that this will collide with the Earth in December 2012 (D 2012: n.d.). Planets align in a way that impacts Earth: According to the planetary alignment 2012, earth will be at the centre and sun will be present at the top (D 2012: n.d.). It is expected that the rising sun will come in a straight line with the black hole which is situated in the centre of the Milky Way (D 2012: n.d.). The rising sun will touch its lower orbit which can cause many changes in the position of the
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Role of Strategic Entrepreneurship in forming Temporary Competitive Dissertation
Role of Strategic Entrepreneurship in forming Temporary Competitive Advantage resulting in Value Creation - Dissertation Example rce orchestration 36 2.8 Theory construct of entrepreneurship 37 2.9 Theory construct of strategic entrepreneurship 38 2.10 Conceptual framework 40 2.11 The association between strategic entrepreneurship and competitive Advantage 43 2.12 Limitations of prior research 44 2.13 Summary 44 3 Research methodology 46 3.1 Introduction 46 3.2 Research philosophy and approach 47 3.2.1 Positivism 47 3.2.2 Deductive approach 49 3.3 Research strategy for qualitative and quantitative research 50 3.2.1 Qualitative research approach 50 3.2.2 Quantitative research approach 52 3.2.3 Biases in using case study, qualitative methods quantitative methods 53 3.3.4 Eliminating biases in case study methods, qualitative methods and quantitative methods 54 3.4 Research method and design 55 3.4.1 Case study 55 3.4.2 Interview 56 3.4.3 Survey 56 3.4.4 Observation 58 3.5 Sampling 59 3.5.1 The sample size 60 3.5.2 Simple random sampling 60 3.6 Data collection and analysis procedures 60 3.6.1 Structural equation m odeling 61 3.7 Summary 62 References 64 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Michael Porter promotes the idea that in order to grab hold of competitive advantage, competitive strategies are necessary for a certain organization to realize its corporate goal that would lead the firm to become a cut above the other (Porter 34). Porter tries to justify this point by embarking on the potential theoretical concepts associated with how a firm would achieve its competitive position in its industry or marketplace. As long as competitive advantage is a primary consideration, there is a relevant truth pertaining to the ultimate capacity of competitive strategies to help an organization realize its prevailing plans and objectives, as it could be either defensive or offensive actions that could ensure defendable position in the industry (Porter 34). The existence of competitive strategies is common everywhere today because of the tough competition, particularly in the realm of business. Strategic entrepreneur ship is one detailed subject in this area, where strategic management perspectives are present in order to pursue sound and excellent entrepreneurship for an existing firm’s competitive advantage, the very reason why many studies surfaces in order to understand why other firms generated successful performance and others do not (Rezaian and Naeiji 3). Strategic entrepreneurship is a common theme especially in the age of global economy, by which the organizations have the chance to explore a vast stretch of market area. Competition has become so tough, but one ultimate way out in order to make a difference is to secure a move towards strategic entrepreneurship to achieve competitive advantage. This is relevant to some existing companies at present where they initiated global strategic alliance for instance in order to define more critical point of doing entrepreneurship that would make a difference in their industry or specific market niche. They have strong orientation towards competitive advan
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Discuss the advantages of learning Standard American English as it Essay - 1
Discuss the advantages of learning Standard American English as it relates to your previous experiences - Essay Example One merit I can personally attribute to knowledge of the English language is that it enables one to faster access to the news. Global news networks such as NBC and CNN use standard American English as their main language. Hence with just tuning in to these networks I was able to obtain access to worldwide news without having to use a translated version of the network. Using a translated version can be associated with problems since most entities focus on the English part rather than the translated version. In the entertainment industry, Hollywood productions account for most of the viewed material in the world. Hence since these productions mainly incorporate American English as the default language then it naturally is spread more in the world. Thus a person who is literate in American English will be able to enjoy the films. The music industry is also dominated by the English language. Thus being fluent in English will subject one to greater enjoyment of the music. Most global magazines are written in English. For example ‘SLAM’ is a sports magazine that focuses on basketball. It is written in American English. Hence for a basketball fan who wants to keep in up to date with the happenings of the basketball community, being conversant with the English language will result in the person being able to do just that. Personally, having a couple of friends who are fans of the sport and are conversant with standard American English, this fact becomes evident to me. Many websites in the internet primarily use English as their default language. Hence with knowledge of the same one can be able to navigate effectively and make maximum use of them. These sites will in essence be more difficult to use for a person who doesn’t understand standard American English. Owing to the fact that English Is widely used in the world it is advantageous to know it when travelling. This is because it will provide you with a platform to communicate with the residents of the
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